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Messages - Hirtius/Pansa

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General Earwa / Re: What would you like to ask Bakker?
« on: January 03, 2015, 04:24:44 am »
What is the ninth book of The Sagas?!  We only know eight of them.  *waves hands frantically*

General Earwa / Re: What if Moe impregnated...SPOILERS
« on: January 02, 2015, 06:54:39 am »
Sumna is part of the Nansurium...

*goes to check PON wikia*

General Earwa / Re: Pronunciation
« on: December 18, 2014, 07:00:10 pm »
Hmm. Imperial "Sike"  terse and monosyllabic sounds kind of silly to me.  I add a sorta... glottal stop I guess.  Imperial Sa'ik with two syllables sounds much better to me. :-[

 I've always pronounced Cishaurim with a hard k.  I figue; if they are the tribe of the Indara-Kishauri then Kishauri is the Kiannic root of Cishaurim.  Whatever,  I know nothing about Kianni/Sheyic linguistic translation conventions.  :P  So it may be complete bunk.

I say Sarcellus with a soft s.  Sarsellus(sic).  In all my study of Roman history and interacting with the academia therein, I've never heard Marcus Claudius Marcellus pronounced; "Markellus."

It's only the c(s) k(s) and s(s) that really screw me up with this series.  I can usually wrap my mouth around everything else.

Although for fuck's sake.  The capital of Conriya. Aöknyssus.  What.  I just skip right over it every time.  I have no idea.

General Earwa / Re: Crazy Ass Speculation Thread
« on: December 15, 2014, 09:46:53 pm »
There's Proyas line in WLW about old vices become new virtues; "Women now had equal standing as men, sorcerers were now priests."  Maybe Esmi could be a female Shriah.  Why not?

Or, Psatma and the Yatwerians get a pro-cultic Shriah elected.  Just another thing to fuck over the New Empire that Esmi has to deal with.

General Earwa / Re: Crazy Ass Speculation Thread
« on: December 15, 2014, 09:36:44 pm »
This just struck me the other day.  Who is going to take the institutional position of the Shriah, or does the position even need to be filled?   Is Esmi going to basically appoint whomever she wants? Or is the Shriah just moot at this point.

My money is on the WLW becoming the new Shriah.  Because. Speculation.

General Earwa / Re: Bakkerisms IRL
« on: December 03, 2014, 11:02:13 pm »
I really don't quote actually phrases from the text.. I have memorized a few of the epigraphs and aphorisms that I sometimes pepper into conversations to sound smarter than I am.   "The shape of virtue is inked in obscenity" may have been fortuitously planted in a term paper on Kurosawa's Throne of Blood  ;)

General Earwa / Re: TSA related art and stuff. (IV)
« on: November 16, 2014, 04:10:45 am »
The names for regions and polities on that proto-map really fuck with my mind.  But is it weird that I actually prefer the physical geography on that one than the canon map?  The proto-map looks... not as cut and clean.  A bit more haphazard and random.  I don't know.  I dig it.

General Earwa / Re: TSA related art and stuff. (IV)
« on: November 10, 2014, 01:11:36 am »
*Picks jaw off of the floor*

News/Announcements / Re: Book Tour
« on: November 05, 2014, 01:18:23 am »
Make that three votes.  It's only a 20 minute drive for me lol.  I think I'll still be in school at UB in 2016.  I think...

General Earwa / Re: Crazy Ass Speculation Thread
« on: October 26, 2014, 09:36:54 am »
This isn't actually my theory.  My mother pitched this one to me.

Mekeretrig is 100% sane from having found a loophole out of the post-immortal mind degeneration.  He basically fakes the behavior of an erratic so no one knows.  And fakes his absurd power level as well.

Rationale:  The inverse fire completely and utterly reveals the truth of one's damnation.  After his exposure to the IF, the existential horror and trauma of this act tainted and brutalized every memory of his life.  Even the banal and happy memories became trauma, with the knowledge that comes from all of it being meaningless from damnation.  So he remembers everything... because all of his memory is fundamentally suffering now.

BUT, instead of just normal memory, he is basically Disciple Manning.  He remembers EVERYTHING with supernatural clarity.  This enhanced level of cognition means that Mek has had millennia of time to utilized his enhanced mental function to hone his Quya craft to reach Meta-Quya levels.
Cue Mekeretrig/Kellhus Meta-super-Gnostic battle to end all battles in Earwa

*drops the mic*

General Earwa / Re: Fanayal in PoN
« on: September 09, 2014, 03:48:52 pm »
I find it so amusing that you immediately gravitate towards divine intervention MG.  It must have been about two years ago, I can't even remember the name or the presenter, but I was listening to a podcast about classical iconic military figures.  Caesar, Alexander, Seleucus, Sulla etc etc.  Anyway, the podcaster was enumerating that despite being brilliant and charismatic and detailed oriented and having the attributes you'd expect from successful military leaders, their main attribute was sheer dumb luck.  He would then enumerate how many times Caesar should have died, from stray arrows at Gergovia, ambushes during Alesia.  And how many times Alexander should have died, from Sacred Band at Chaeronea to stray javelins missing him at Issus. On and on and on.  It just piles up and up and it's absurd.  But the human mind can't process dumb luck when it comes to such profound success, so we attribute someone's success to divine favor.  Or the Whore of Fate for us fools.   I was just talking to my mother about Malcolm Gladwell's new book, and apparently it's all about this, the economic and sociological factors of luck. 

So I'm hesitant to say "Of course! The Holy War was divinely favored the whole time!"  Yet, we know the gods are real, and we also have probably a dozen white-luck warriors running around trying to do different things in the AE series.  So I'll hold my tongue.

General Earwa / Re: Fanayal in PoN
« on: September 09, 2014, 05:22:19 am »
Yeah, I concur with Cüréthañ and call bullshit on lack of selflessness too.  But, I think you were kind of misinterpreting what I was saying locke.  Fanayal ceding authority to Skaurus for the campaign in Gedea and Shigek is less about selflessness, but much more about "following the shortest past."  Doing what is pragmatic to preserve the nation of Kian, sovereignty of the Solitary God, such and such, etc. etc.

 And because I'm an asshole  ;) " Men, Kellhus had once told her, were like coins: they had two sides. Where one side of them saw, the other side of them was seen" So I ask you locke, who do you think was manipulating Fanayal?  And why do you think he gave command of the Shigek campaign to Skaurus?

I think Madness has articulated this somewhere, that the difficult task of getting a solid read on a set perspective of this series is the Curse of Knowledge that the reader is afflicted with.  How can we empathize or understand what motivates these characters when we ourselves have a such a profoundly totality of understanding that belies compassion?  We are like the Hundred Gods in that sense.  We apprehend the whole, but we are blind in so many other ways.  Anyway, I thought it was funny that Cüréthañ brought up AE as being the bleaker series that lacks selflessness, when for 99.9% of The Great Ordeal it is probably the most self-sacrificing thing they have ever done.  One of the most iconic images of the series, for me, is when Kellhus gives his speech to the Ordeal right before they leave Sakarpus and cross the threshold into the Ancient North.  I'm paraphrasing, but he says something like "There will be blood, there will be sacrifice for you the chosen.  You who have taken up the yoke up the apocalypse.  Verily, you may lose your very lives.  But knows this, though you may die, you will save the world." Spoken without any irony.  Now, since we know Kellhus is Kellhus we suspect everything he says.  But for The Great Ordeal, this is Aragorn marching on the Gates of the Morannon, this is the final battle against the Legions of Mordor and such.  In their minds, there is nothing more selfless, this is the most important thing they've ever done in their lives.  But we as the readers are cursed with knowing the truth!  *shakes fists at the heavens*

General Earwa / Re: Fanayal in PoN
« on: September 09, 2014, 04:29:20 am »
I think it's worth noting in the Battle Mengedda that Fanayal "technically" has authority over Skaurus and is his superior.  But he cedes all authority to Skaurus, because Fanayal recognizes that the Sapatishah is the far more incisive and experienced commander.  I think this demonstrates Fanayal's humility and prudence, while still being an extremely adept tactician in his own right.

It's noted that after The Tertae Fields, if it wasn't for Fanayal creating some order during the general rout, there wouldn't have been a Battle at Shimeh because the armies of Kian would've been completely annihilated right then and there.

And I have no doubt, that were it not for Saubon's arrival and Kellhus going super saiyan meta-gnosis, the Kiani would've carried the day at Shimeh due to Fanayal's stratagems.  He also kills Hoga Gothyelk in single combat.  Which shows he's no slouch as far as martial acumen goes.

I'm sure there's other stuff that gives him some characterization that I'm missing.

General Earwa / Re: Bakker and Tolkien
« on: September 04, 2014, 04:11:09 am »
I was re-reading WLW last week.  And it struck me that Mimara opening The Judging Eye, and her descriptions of the Scalpoi therein, is very evocative of the Wraith-world that exists in Middle-Earth.  Which makes The Judging Eye... The One Ring?

Also, this has nothing to do with Tolkien, but I noticed that a member of House Biaxi dies in every volume of PON.  But none die in The Aspect-Emperor.  So... I predict that three Biaxis are going to die in TUC. 


General Earwa / Re: TSA related art and stuff. (IV)
« on: August 27, 2014, 07:10:07 pm »
Christ, stop spoiling us Som  :P

Is that just supposed to be some war-paint aesthetic on his cheeks?

Also, if this is another rendering of the copper tree of Siol, I prefer this one much more than the one on the shield of Cujara Cinmoi.  The roots on this one make it look that much more gnarled.  Something more horrifying than regal.  Fitting for a Witch-King.

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