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Messages - TaoHorror

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I'm mulling over whether these findings assist in our search for source of thought or muddy the waters, hee hee! Pretty cool, fry your brain, research these people are doing. Anything can be explained away, but does learning have to denote consciousness?

Interesting stuff, Sci - I take it's Tam Hunt you're quoting here? I don't know enough to contribute, but it would be interesting to learn how an EM generates self awareness.

General Misc. / Re: Watchmen [TV series] [Open Spoilers]
« on: January 10, 2020, 02:55:17 pm »
Don't know how I missed this new thread, H - sorry! I posted my thoughts in the tv thread and I'll now expand a bit here.

Well, I liked the show and liked the ending. The director says he won't do another season ( bp ), "I've said all I wanted to say about the Watchmen". I guess that means he didn't like that Rorschach died in the 80's and Adrian got away with the crime. That's fine, I liked his interpretation on what the future was like, his treatment of Dr. Manhattan - all of the characters were very good, really. I needed this show as so many movies over the past 5 years sucked, nothing stellar for a long time now ( maybe I've missed a gem here and there, feel free to fill me in on any ). I had fun watching it and intend on watching it again sometime. The director succeeded in keeping with the trippy offbeat comic booky style that Moore pitched with the comics, the pairing of popular culture and extreme violence, pretty cool. This show deserves more seasons imho.

General Misc. / Re: What are you watching?
« on: January 02, 2020, 01:14:27 am »
Consolidating - rating 2 movies that under-performed:

Ad Astra: has a 6.7 IMDB rating and deserves it. I watched it last night on a friend's recommendation ... wtf. Good story, should've been more exciting. Boring as fuck for a fascinating topic and theme. Stupid cheapo thrill stuff added for no fucking reason ( like getting attacked by "raiders" on the Moon - you're the US fucking military, you can't have it both ways with a Mad Max meets the military scenario - whatever ). Has a few moments, I guess - the theme/message/story all was sound, just dumb directing.

Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker. Fuck, man. Big let down, I guess I'll put my comments in spoiler, but don't bother, too fucking stupid to watch. I mean, I was so excited for Abrams treatment given how much I liked Rogue One ... but then this descent into mediocrity, sigh, someone shoot me in the head and be done with it.

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General Misc. / Re: What are you watching?
« on: December 30, 2019, 07:15:17 pm »
From SEP on Adorno:
There Adorno argues that the culture industry involves a change in the commodity character of art, such that art's commodity character is deliberately acknowledged and art “abjures its autonomy” (DE 127). With its emphasis on marketability, the culture industry dispenses entirely with the “purposelessness” that was central to art's autonomy. Once marketability becomes a total demand, the internal economic structure of cultural commodities shifts. Instead of promising freedom from societally dictated uses, and thereby having a genuine use value that people can enjoy, products mediated by the culture industry have their use value replaced by exchange value: “Everything has value only in so far as it can be exchanged, not in so far as it is something in itself. For consumers the use value of art, its essence, is a fetish, and the fetish—the social valuation [gesellschaftliche Schätzung] which they mistake for the merit [Rang] of works of art— becomes its only use value, the only quality they enjoy” (DE 128). Hence the culture industry dissolves the “genuine commodity character” that artworks once possessed when exchange value still presupposed use value (DE 129–30).

Sounds about right, well said. It seems just when Hollywood has learned something, like pay the fucking writers, it slips back into it's old bad habits analyzing art from a business perspective ( this movie was a smash hit, what made it so, solicit feedback from viewers - can the "special sauce", serve it in another movie - like putting beer in every dish since it worked in this one soup that everyone loves ). I wonder if this stems from a shortage of competence to meet demand, people out of their depth rising in the ranks to fill vacancies.

General Misc. / Re: What are you watching?
« on: December 30, 2019, 06:14:30 pm »
Watched the move, The Report ... as in The Torture Report about the study that was conducted on the CIA torturing terrorists suspects for information back after 911. A movie is only as good as it's weakest link and so it goes with this one - very poorly directed. That's too bad as the story is fascinating and they loaded this thing up with some good actors. Just jumps around in time with no art to it at all, a jumbled mess. I was looking for a contrast between it and Zero Dark Thirty and all we got was a cameo mention of ZDT when it was released during the timeline of the movie - whatever. A blown opportunity to explore what really happened beyond ZDT, would've liked to know how the ZDT director got her research so wrong, if she did at all - I'm left with wondering which movie was more accurate because this one was so poorly done. The story is cool, seeing how the CIA broke laws to kill the report from being released ( if they did, this POS of a movie is so bad, I wonder how much of it is accurate ). If you don't mind being bored and ignore the dumb directing, there is some interesting story here.

General Misc. / Re: What are you watching?
« on: December 30, 2019, 06:03:25 pm »
So I started watching Evil ... Anyways, I've laughed a few times ( with the show, not at it ) and there's something to work with, so I'll keep watching it and let you know if it devolves into full on crap or we get somewhere.

UPDATE: Well, they're devolving into mass market crappy tv, that's too bad as there's some rich conversation to be had between religion and atheistic science. Just a bit here and there and that's all and the last few episodes of the season was typical boring light corruption stuff with Catholicism ( not too bad, but still - not that the Catholic church doesn't have it coming, but to touch on it here is a bit out of scope - I will give it props for not drowning itself, but could've avoided it altogether, just cheapy stuff to maintain interest ). And the whole victim suing her helpers, that's Law & Order bullshit. I'll keep watching when it picks back up and let you'all know if it ever comes around to something interesting. I will say the Demonology is fun and edgy, especially for prime time tv, so I'm impressed with that. Michael Emerson is a demonic mother fucker in this, they did a great job with his character and his evil psychology is buyable even though it moves a bit too quickly, but kinda has to being a tv show, but would be better if it was slower, more dramatic like with cable/episodic tv - like instead of corrupting a different person each episode, it would be more intense if it was a treatise on how one can lead another single person to radicalize, the time it takes, the path toward destruction, self-destruction, etc.

General Misc. / Re: What are you watching?
« on: December 30, 2019, 05:44:25 pm »
Mr. Robot Spoiler Discussion

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General Misc. / Re: Quotes
« on: December 30, 2019, 03:27:51 pm »
Seems less about free will [than critiquing] this idea of the lone iconoclast "willing" themselves into breaking all social contracts/expectations.

If I understand him correctly he is also critiquing "will worship" as excessive hedonism toward whatever one desires.

Yes, but what is the better road to doing what we want to do. I'm not arguing for the will-worshipers, I agree with what he's saying about it, but what now? Too often I find clever fellows are on to something, but the conclusion is error ( e.g. I find a lot of what Nietzsche wrote profound, or at least interpretations of his works, I don't know German - but some of his conclusions lead to destruction for both the uber man and the herd - so what then, Nietzsche is just coffee table reading? ). So I agree with you Sci, my point is if any action is limitation, what then? It's like he took too broad a brush so his point is irrelevant because no one is simply going to sit and do nothing until they whither away. He could've made his point for all actions of will, not just pick on the will-worshipers.

Well, the main thrust, to me, was this part: "Every act of will is an act of self-limitation. To desire action is to desire limitation. In that sense every act is an act of self-sacrifice."

That was the part that Žižek quoted which made me go and look up the source.  I think Chesterton's point is that, in a sort of Hegelian way, the "will" is not "positivity" in-itself, rather, the will is the (negative) discriminatory, limiting factor.

So we're better off without it ( will )? We have more options if we don't willfully act? I get it, but what now? Since I'm typing this, I limited myself against all other possible action - clever, but how is this useful?

General Misc. / Re: Quotes
« on: December 28, 2019, 01:56:55 am »
All the will-worshippers, ... The painter is glad that the canvas is flat. The sculptor is glad that the clay is colourless.
G.K. Chesterton - Orthodoxy

This one appears incomplete. I enjoyed where it was going, but not sure what the conclusion/insight is - or is it simply to judge the will-worshippers as misguided? Where/how should we guide instead? It's one thing to illuminate logical fallacy with a position/point of view, but what supersedes the fallacy? Or is what Chesteron is saying that Free Will is no more limiting than everything else and not worthy of special focus?

General Misc. / Re: What are you watching?
« on: December 26, 2019, 11:00:39 pm »
Well, Mr. Robot concluded.  His Dark Materials first season is over.  We just also finished the first season of The Witcher.

Now we just wait for The Good Place to start back again at the beginning of January and then we also have The New Pope coming up on HBO.

I got to see episode 1 of Mr. Robot - but haven't finished the series yet. Is The Witcher any good? I read the book, not bad.

General Misc. / Re: What are you watching?
« on: December 25, 2019, 07:34:08 pm »
So I started watching Evil, a prime time show on a major network. I know, I know, it's major network television, so it's likely shit. Well, hmm ... it has elements that make it shit and some that make it much more. I've pretty much given up on major network tv, but this one caught my fancy and giving it a shot. So, yes, the mechanism is shit ( no depth or breath, goes too quickly, fly by television that you get with major market products ), but there's some pretty cool stuff with this and I'm hoping it catches on that some of the writing is actually quite good and they transition to modern episodic medium, but a girl can dream, right?

First, there's a serious look at reconciling pop-metaphysics with god, like ( paraphrasing the show ), "the problem with miracles isn't that they happen, but that they only happen to some and not others" - some Camu going on with this here, kinda cool. And there are some genuinely funny bad characters ( funny ha ha, not funny stupid ). So I'm hoping they continue and make it a deep dive sussing out how any miracles/possessions can happen to "some" and yet God is fair/good. Since it moves so fast, these unfortunately just flash by the viewer. I'm only on the 3rd episode, so maybe it'll get it's sea legs and be something more than just potato chip tv.

Bonus points for the bad guy, he's great and I love the actor, Michael Emerson - that man was born to be an asshole and I love him for it. He's doing some very cool temptation logic on the Priest-in-training lead who is very good in this. I'm not a fan of the other lead, Katja Herbers, but she's doing ok so far.

Anyways, I've laughed a few times ( with the show, not at it ) and there's something to work with, so I'll keep watching it and let you know if it devolves into full on crap or we get somewhere.

General Misc. / Re: What are you watching?
« on: December 16, 2019, 08:53:15 pm »
I'm sure I bore you'all with me liking everything, but really, you have to watch Watchmen. It is focking cool, man! The director is being a dick saying some bullshit like that's all he has to say about Watchmen ( meaning he's not going to do another season ), but fuck I want to see more. It does "end", so from a story perspective, you're not left on a cliff ( much ), but this deserves more episodes. Plenty of humor in this and I love how all of the weird shit eventually gets explained. Very clever deft touch bringing back Rorschach without bringing back Rorschach ( there's a new character whose just like him ). Even if you don't like comic books or movies/shows, it's so well done I think you would dig it anyways.

General Misc. / Re: What are you watching?
« on: December 14, 2019, 08:26:17 pm »
I finished 2nd season of Succession. Eh, it's ok - fun to watch, but a bit simple. You might dig it if you like callous rich people speak. Has a few clever moments, the acting is pretty good. Just not an original ( enough ) story.

Sci - Nightflyers any good or what?

General Misc. / Re: What are you watching?
« on: December 08, 2019, 11:11:04 pm »
The Watchmen TV show has also been quite good.  At first I was figuring I wouldn't care, since these were new characters, but in actuality, the show is well done and quite interesting in it's own right, plus there seems to be tons of nods to be movie and the comic books.  I'd recommend it, but only if you already saw the movie first.

+1 ... I do my best to go into something with no expectations, but fail frequently ( reminds me of an enlightenment precept to be without thought ... I digress ) and thought I would be let down. Not at all - this thing has legs. It's weird comic-booky is best I can explain it, but stays true to the comic/movie atmospheric contrast of pop music/imagery and violence - some is kick you in the gut kind of stuff, you'all will dig it being fans of PON. The lead Sister Night is awesome - always like the actor playing her, but she shines in this thing and tickles me when she, "WHAT THE FUCK?!?!", the indignation of it comes through. Kinda a spoiler as this part I'm about to talk about is in the current episode 7 ( show ain't over yet ), but nothing earth shattering, but I'll put it in spoilers anyways for any who might care. So far so good, I love the show and has a mystery going on that's on it's surface looks simple, but underneath it's getting really cool.

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I'm purposely not reading the Joker discussion as I've not seen it - my oldest son screwed me over, we were supposed to go see it together and he ditched me to go see it with his friends - so now looking like I'll be waiting for it on demand, sigh ... looks good.

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