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Messages - Triskele

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The White-Luck Warrior / Re: Salvation and damnation in Earwa
« on: December 28, 2013, 05:26:05 am »
I've laughed pretty hard at many of solo's posts over the years, but that one was one of the best.  I felt like Eleazaras cackling with grief when it was starting to set in that he was quite damned after all. 

Yeah, we can't say that Nil'giccas, even if he was a great character is the greatest sorcerer.  Here's what I think the heirarchy likely is....wait...just got started and realized I should go back to the sorcery thread to do this rather than here.  So I have contributed quite nothing with this post!

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: Heramari Iyokus
« on: December 22, 2013, 04:59:20 pm »
Curethan - Yes, when Xinemas and Akka are returning to the Holy War from Iothiah, Xinemas "sees the Cishaurim seeing" and tells Akka about it.  Akka says something like "you did see, in a way" and then describes the Cishaurim as the masters of the interval between sight and blindness.  He also says that it's a mistake for men to assume that nothing lies between these two extremes (EAMD, lol). 

However, this scene strongly suggests that Akka also sees them seeing, and Akka is not blind.  He keeps worrying that they'll spot them and kill them, but it keeps not happening.  It seems possible that the Cishaurim do see them but allow them to pass. 

I choose to believe that the Nansur revering peacocks is some double-entendre for Conphas spending much of his life preening and admiring himself. 

General Earwa / Re: Who (or what) created Eärwa?
« on: December 16, 2013, 05:28:22 am »
I totally agree with Kellhus as the avatar of the solitary god but he was sent here to stop the no-god. I think he's being honest when he says that the hundred just cannot see that they are aligned with him.

Is there any chance then that Kellhus could reach The Hundred and convince them?

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: What is the No God?
« on: December 13, 2013, 02:45:20 am »
So it was pointed out somewhere by Wilshire I believe that Cnaiur has a What do you see? thought when Moenhus burns away. 

Has it been pointed out that Cnaiur also has a What do you see? inner-monologue thought at least twice with respect to Kellhus in TDTCB?  I noticed that while perusing a reread.  Not sure what to make of it, but it seems potentially significant. 

General Earwa / Re: Who (or what) created Eärwa?
« on: December 13, 2013, 02:42:49 am »
I think it might be both, actually. I think Kellhus is more like the second coming of Jesus (Inri was the first), as he would at the end of the world. And I definitely think he's going to solve the quest of the Dunyain, by reaching the Absolute, the Monad, which is one and the same with becoming the Solitary God. He does by destroying the Demiurges (the Hundred) and shutting off the Outside, which cuts all the souls in the universe with it. The material universe essentially becomes a soulless, deterministic, disenchanted one -- one much more similar to our own. I also believe it's possible he will use the No-God to achieve this, possibly even by becoming the No-God himself, though I'm more uncertain of that aspect. Regardless, I think Kellhus truly is a "savior" of sorts, just the kind people might expect.

I think perhaps we have to consider whether we as readers take it literally that Sejenus could perform healing miracles.  I'm not sure if we should, but assume for a moment that we should and he did.  If that is the case, then I think it's a big clue via Xinemas and Akka that Kellhus is not another Sejenus ("You're not a prophet... What are you?").

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: What is the No God?
« on: December 12, 2013, 02:26:22 am »
I just have to say that when Kellhus asks "What is the No-God...what are the possibilities you've considered" of Moenghus and we get nothing, it quite agonizing.  At least to this reader.

General Earwa / Re: Investigating Achamian's Dreams
« on: December 09, 2013, 03:43:51 am »
Madness - Thank for that great list.

One thing that I think really ought to be highlighted in any instance that it occurs is if Akka reflects on the dream.  Things like what I quoted on the first when where he notes discrepancies.  I am pretty sure that we don't get that every time, but we should note it when it happens. 

I should be able to do a few more like the last one later tonight.

General Earwa / Re: Investigating Achamian's Dreams
« on: December 08, 2013, 05:21:52 pm »
OK, here is a brief rundown of the first dream in the series.

Chapter One
Midwinter, 4110 Year-of-the-Tusk, Carythusal

This is the chapter where Achamian is in the Worm meeting Geshrunni.  He begins to learn about the first gears in the Holy War starting to turn such as that the Grandmaster of the SS has been assassinated by the Cishaurim.  Then Geshrunni goes out and perhaps meets a Consult agent.

Achamian's dream begins as Seswatha.  This is one of the dreams where Seswatha sees Celmomas struck down.  Seswatha pleads with him not to die.

     "Yes!  Yes.  The darkness of the No-God is not all-encompassing.  The Gods see us yet, dear friend. They are distant, but  i can hear them galloping across the skies. I can hear them cry out to me."
     "You cannot die, Celmomas! You must not die!"
     The High King shook his head, stilled him with tender eyes. "They call to me. They say that my end is not the world's end. That burden, they say, is yours. Yours, Seswatha."

The back-and-forth between Acha-as-Seswatha and Celmomas goes on a bit longer.  The stuff that will presumably become the Celmomian Prophecy is uttered by Celmomas. He dies, and Acha-as-Seswatha cried out that their king is dead.  Achamian then wakes up in a dark room.  Achamian weeps upon waking, and the POV section ends with him thinking that he hears a dog or a man howling in the distance.

Geshrunni is killed in the next section of the same chapter.

It then goes back to Achamian waking again with his head buzzing still from dreams of the Apocalypse.

He scribbles some of these notes:

Fords of Tywanrae.  Same.
Burning of the Library of Sauglish. Different. See my face and not S in mirror.

A curious discrepancy What could it mean? For a moment, he pondered the sour futility of the question.  Then he remembered awakening in the heart of the night. After a pause, he added:

Death and Prophecy of Anasurimbor Celmomas. Same.

But was it the same? In detail, certainly, but there had been a disturbing immediacy to the dream--enough to wake him. After scratching out "Same," he wrote:

Different. More powerful.

OK, so there's a sample of what I had in mind, or something like it.  I think it would be really cool if we could get all of the dreams down in one thread eventually to see if any ideas are revealed when they're all analyzed together. 

General Misc. / Re: Art of Manliness - Why Men Should Read Fiction
« on: December 08, 2013, 05:04:01 pm »

I find their unapologetic "manliness," both refreshing and appropriately lacking bro-moments.

I think they do a good job of being self-depricating.  It's like "we do take our subject matter and content very seriously, but we don't really take ourselves that seriously."

General Earwa / Re: Investigating Achamian's Dreams
« on: December 08, 2013, 03:07:24 am »
Akka's dreams are usually at the start his POV, which should make them easy to find.  At least in the cases where his POV begins with the chapter.

Yeah, at the very least, I should be able to point out where they're located tonight and/or tomorrow.  I think they nearly always kick of a POV section if not a chapter. 

I agree, Wilshire, that it would be ideal to note all of that detail, but we should also probably note whatever info we're given about which year it is and which season it is and whatnot...which I think we get at the beginning of each chapter.  Might help speculation about what else is going on in the world at the time.

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: Side Effects of Eating Sranc
« on: December 07, 2013, 09:39:04 pm »
I think it would be kind of amazing if eating sranc had the effect of making men more sranc-like in that they might become blood-crazed for their enemy the way that the sranc are for them.  Heh, it would be like Kellhus turned the men of the Ordeal into a weapons race of his own.

The White-Luck Warrior / Re: What is the No God?
« on: December 07, 2013, 04:27:36 pm »
Thank, Wilshire - That final sequence with Moe and Nayu...I can't help but think that there's something subtle that the reader is supposed to pick up, but I can't put my finger on what. 

Very curious to me that Nayu thinks for a moment that the God itself looks back at him as Moe burns away.  Is that something to do with Moe?  Something to do with what happens to Psukhari when they get choraed?  Something to do with the Outside?  Not sure, but I swear there's something there...

That said...for some reason I want Nayu's arc to end where it appeared to have ended.  Hope he's not the No-God.

Or perhaps the Gods eat the damned because Earwa is a place where BBQ sauce objectively exists and makes the damned extra tasty?

General Earwa / Re: Re: TSA related art and stuff.
« on: December 07, 2013, 04:12:41 pm »
Somn - That is really outstanding.  Not at all dissimilar to how I picture both races in my head when I read.  Cheers.

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