ARC: TWP Chapter 1 (and What Has Come Before)

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« on: August 20, 2018, 06:41:00 pm »
Ignorance is trust

1st chapter of The Warrior Prophet re-read.  I've included the What Has Come Before section as well, if anybody has anything they what to say about that
Sez who?
Seswatha, that's who.


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« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2018, 10:01:37 pm »
A thread of silver light, swaying across the spiralling heights, flashing across the Carapace. A crack that made ears bleed. Everywhere, raining debris. The anguished wail of innumerable inhuman throats. The whirlwind undone, like the smoke of a snuffed candle, spinning into oblivion.
"Swaying across the spiralling heights"? Curious word usage, I'm assuming Anaxophus might've been unsteady in his hands. If it were not for the "flashing across the Carapace" part you might almost think the Heron Spear was a missile weapon and not a deathray.


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« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2018, 06:17:02 pm »
The dimensionless geometry of dreams never ceased to startle Achamian. There was something about a world where nothing was remote, where distances dissolved into a froth of words and competing passions.  Something no knowledge could overcome

No distances - hence Moenghus can communicate with Ishual.  Also note the Kellhus POV from one of the later TDTCB chapters, where he realises that dreams are a way in which the Outside can get in to the world (I think that's the point that was made).

Akka contacts Nautzera via dreams.  We meet Skafra the dragon - some great dialogue with Seswatha.
Nautzera is a fanatic who despises Achamian - but who will believe that the Consult have been rediscovered.

Daybreak seemed bold...
and later we learn the name of Akka's mule.

Shortly after leaving Momemn, the Holy War had splintered into disparate armies, each under one the Great Names...
  We'll see this again.

Akka is with the baggage trains, 'hiding' from Kellhus.
And Achamamian no longer feared that Kellhus augured the Apocalypse, he knew

You cannot hide from Kellhus, who inevitably turns up, and
He reads me like any scroll

Akka teaches Kellhus, and is soon in awe of his intellect.
"How is it that... that you see these things?  No matter how deep I peer..."
"Ah," Kellhus laughed. "You're starting to sound like my father's tutors."...
Is this just Kellhus playing a role, or should we read it that he was a prodigy amongst the Dunyain?

...There was something about the way Kellhus thought, an elusive mobility Achamian had never before encountered.  Something that made him seem, at times, a man from a different age.
...Almost all men prized the familiar path over the true...
Not so with Kellhus.  Nothing was dismissed outright.  Any possibility could be considered.  It was as though his soul moved over something trackless.  Only the truth lead him to conclusions.

...Kellhus, he realized, was a student who taught even as he learned, and Achamian had never known another like him.  Not Inrau, not even Proyas.  The more he answered the man, the more Kellhus seemed to hold the answer to his own life
Who am I? he would often think, listening to Kellhus's melodious voice. What do you see?
The same question that Cnaiur asks in TDTCB.
and then, the 'owner of the catchphrase' is revealed...

Akka tells Kellhus about the battle of Mengedda and the defeat of the No-God.  He realises that the Holy War will soon cross the same spot.
The battle is described.  Akka gets confused as to whether he is himself or Seswatha.
I don't understand
Death.  Wretched death
Even you cannot hide from what you don't know!  Even you!
The No-God seems to want to be scrutinized.  It wants to be the Subject,
(click to show/hide)

...He smiled as though Achamian were in fact a child, an innocent incapable of wishing him ill.  The look reminded Achamian of Inrau, who'd so often seen him for what he wasn't: a good man.
...Must I give you up too?
A student like no other
Akka's already lost two 'boys'.

Akka intends to let the Mandate know about Kellhus, but ultimately he can't bring himself to do it.  He thinks he knows what they would do to Kellhus

More exposition.  The High North and Shauriatas are introduced.
Kellhus throws a stone and sets off a small avalanche - to demonstrate unintended consequences.  Which of course, were intended.

"Who are you, Kellhus?" he murmured in the solitary darkness of his tent.  "I risk everything for you... Everything!"  So why?
TDTCB - who is Mathainet
TWP - who is Kellhus?
« Last Edit: August 26, 2018, 06:29:50 pm by TheCulminatingApe »
Sez who?
Seswatha, that's who.