« Reply #38 on: October 24, 2013, 04:50:19 pm »
Francis: great Wight-in-the-Mountain. I hope you find more and post them. I'm digging your style with these.
Gracias. Unfortunately, aside from MIA sranc, the wight is I believe the last from "backlog", so anything else will be new.
This thread makes me wish I had better...I don't know, "range" I guess is the word? Like there's stuff in my head that I wish I could do, but I'm really limited when it comes to actually making it happen, especially when it comes to human faces and bodies (thus my reliance on abstract shit and creatures). Like, I can draw a female body in that particular pose I have of Yatwer, but not a female turned slightly to the right, or with say a hand extended to the towards the viewpoint, or whatever. I'm also terrible at female faces (and so it was conveniently obscured in the Yatwer pic, lol). At least, I'm terrible at female faces that don't look hilariously mannish and/or like the victim of a botched plastic surgery. Body-wise, pretty much anything that isn't a profile view, or head-on (even harder for me), is beyond my ability. I've thought of taking some classes at various times, but never have. Maybe some day.
Anyways, here's a fast and dirty Ankaryotis, based on the description from the wiki (elephantine head, maw surrounded by eyes, knife-like scales). Later I'm going to do a Zioz and spend some time on it. I've been wanting to draw up some Ciphrang for a while now.
The Existential Scream
Weaponizing the Warrior Pose - Declare War Inwardly
carnificibus: multus sanguis fluit
Die Better
The Theory-Killer