Book deals and purchases

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« Reply #90 on: April 13, 2015, 12:59:11 pm »
Apparent I have a ton of libraries/charities in my area that do sales like the three I went to this weekend. I have been meaning to do some hunting for several weeks now but have been too busy to go.

This is only partially your fault. You certainly made it apparent to me that there should be a cheaper way to get books, and so clued me in on a cheap way to fuel my addiction. Spending $11 on a handful of books that I've been meaning to add to my collection , that would have otherwise cost me 5x or more than what I paid, is a pretty great feeling.
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« Reply #91 on: April 15, 2015, 12:26:57 pm »
Yeah there is definitely something to be said for finding things a lot cheaper than usual - nice to help the charities while at it.

Once your binding project is successful then prepare for some orders!


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« Reply #92 on: April 15, 2015, 07:22:28 pm »
Should probably respond to it in my thread, but whatever.

I'm not 100% sure i can do a whole book on my own, but we'll see. Even if I can't do it all, I at least have the dies and could coordinate leather purchases. The total price should be less for additional copies, but im not sure by how much.

Would be fun to have some TSA peoples with various versions of hand bound TDTCB a la Wilshire. Better pick up a 1st/1st TDTCB before the internet runs out of them :P. Otherwise you'll be stuck with the inferior 2nd prints.
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« Reply #93 on: May 06, 2015, 05:28:30 pm »
Picked up a few things today:

Iain M. Banks: Look to Windward - One of the Culture novels - HB with DJ in decent condition.
Robert Jordan: The Conan Chronicles - HB with DJ in good condition.
Edited by Stephen Donaldson: Strange Dreams (Works from Greg Bear, Theodore Sturgeon, Harlan Ellison, C.J. Cherryh, Jack Vance, Walter Jon Williams, M. John Harrison, Orson Scott Card, Franz Kafka.) - Really big SB in decent condition.
3 for £1 at Debra UK charity store.

Arthur C. Clarke and Gentry Lee: Rama Revealed - HB with DJ in great condition.
Tad Williams: The War of the Flowers - Standalone fantasy. SB in good condition.
£2.50 for both at Arthiritis Research UK store.

Michael Moorcock: The Winds of Limbo - Old SB with an outrageous cover and an even more outrageous blurb. Not in great condition - a lot of wear. (1965 print)
Harry Harrison: Lifeboat - SB in a similar condition as above - also an old one. (1977 print)
50p each from a market trader.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2015, 07:15:13 pm by SilentRoamer »


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« Reply #94 on: May 19, 2015, 03:13:22 pm »
Well my wife had her wisdom tooth out yesterday so I've been off work on babysitting duty. Took the littlest one to a playgroup so decided to grab a few things whilst in town:

Joe Abercrombie: The First Law #3: Last Argument of Kings - SB with the gorgeous cover art. Whoever designed the FL universe covers really hit the nail on the head for me.
£9.99 from Waterstones. Been meaning to get this for a while. As a fan of Abercrombie I have decided to buy the complete matching cover set of all of the First Law stuff.

Anne McCaffrey: The Renegades of Pern - HB in good condition.
Robin Hobb: Soldiers Son Trilogy #2: Forest Mage - HB in good condition. 1st/2nd
David Zindell: A Requiem for Homo Sapiens #1: The Broken God - HB in good condition. Really interesting blurb.
3 for £1 from Debra charity.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2015, 03:15:04 pm by SilentRoamer »


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« Reply #95 on: May 19, 2015, 10:41:16 pm »
Yeah that set of  first law covers are great.
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« Reply #96 on: May 30, 2015, 06:13:11 pm »
Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged - $5
David Brin - Earthclan (Startide Rising and The Uplift War) - $2
Frederik Pohl - Starburst - $2
Arthur C Clark - THe Fountains of Paradise - $2

All older hardbacks in good condition.
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« Reply #97 on: June 05, 2015, 05:43:56 pm »
Nice little haul Wilshire. Brin has been republished in a lot of Waterstones over here. Seems to be a big revival of SFF at Waterstones.


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« Reply #98 on: June 11, 2015, 06:48:26 pm »
Anyway I grabbed a few things in town recently:

Scott Lynch: Gentleman Bastards #1: The Lies of Locke Lamora - HB in decent condition, DJ has one small tear but other than that it's good.
Robert Jordan: The Wheel of Time #3: The Dragon Reborn - SB First Edition, nice coloured map in Card for the first two pages.
Lois McMaster Bujold: Barrayar - SB with minor wear.
Christopher Paolini: Brisingr - SB in great condition.
Wilbur Smith: Elephant Song - SB in good condition.
It was 3 for £1 at Debra charity store. So £2 for all.

Luke Scull: The Grim Company - SB new - one of the horrible generic looking fantasy cover types with just a big helmet...
£1.99 from The Works.


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« Reply #99 on: July 02, 2015, 08:59:53 pm »
So I grabbed some books while in town today ;D and managed to get a fair number:

Anne McCaffrey: Pern #1: Dragonflight - SB in decent condition, spine looks sun worn and slightly difficult to read.
Anne McCaffrey: Harper Halles #3: Dragondrums - SB in good condition, minor wear.
Anne McCaffrey: Pern #10: The Renegades of Pern - SB in decent condition, spine looks sun worn and slightly difficult to read.
Anne McCaffrey: Pern #11: All the Weyrs of Pern - SB in decent condition, spine looks sun worn and slightly difficult to read.
Anne McCaffrey: Pern #12: The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall - SB in good condition, minor wear.
Anne McCaffrey: Pern #13: The Dolphins of Pern - SB in good condition, minor wear.
Anne McCaffrey: Pern #15: The MasterHarper of Pern - SB in good condition, minor wear.
Anne McCaffrey: The Girl Who Heard Dragons - SB in good condition, minor wear. Short story collection.
Anne McCaffrey: Doona #1: Decision at Doona - SB in good condition, minor wear.
Anne McCaffrey: Doona #2: Crisis at Doona - SB in good condition, minor wear.
Anne McCaffrey: The Talent #3: Pegasus in Space - SB in good condition, minor wear.
Anne McCaffrey and Jody Lynn Nye: Brainship #1: The Ship Who Sang - SB in decent condition, spine looks sun worn and slightly difficult to read.
Anne McCaffrey and Jody Lynn Nye: Brainship #5: The Ship Who Won - SB in decent condition, spine looks sun worn and slightly difficult to read.
Anne McCaffrey: Black Horses for the King - SB in good condition, minor wear.
Anne McCaffrey: Get off the Unicorn - SB in good condition, minor wear. Short story collection.
Anne McCaffrey and Margaret Hall: Acorna #1: Acorna the Unicorn Girl - SB in good condition, minor wear.
Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough: Acorna #3: Acorna's People - SB in good condition, minor wear.
Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough: Acorna #6: Acorna's Rebels - SB in good condition, minor wear.
3 for £1 at Debra charity store, so the £6 for all

David Gemmell: Midnight Falcon - SB in great condition, only minor wear.
£2 from British Heart Foundation
Timothy Zahn: Star Wars Heir to the Empire #1: Heir to the Empire - SB in good condition, minor wear.
£2.50 from British Heart Foundation

Yann Martell: Life of Pi - SB in great condition.
Hugh Howey: Shift - SB in great condition.
£2.25 each from a buy one get one free at Arthiritus UK.

Michael Crichton: Congo - This book had an irate wife related "accident" and is now in the bin.
Michael Crichton: The Lost World - This book had an irate wife related "accident" and is now in the bin.
£1 each new from Asda.

I suspect all of the McCaffreys were donated by the same person. That completes Doona and The Talent series for me which is sweet. The Zahn comples Heir to the Empire series as well which is supposed to be amongst the best Star Wars EU, even if its now not canon. I have the Gemmell already no doubt but I like to buy Gemmell. Shift adds to Wool which I already own.

Not a bad days purchases as I haven't had a big buy for a while.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2015, 09:55:14 am by SilentRoamer »


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« Reply #100 on: July 06, 2015, 03:46:16 pm »
Haha, i hope the rest of your collections survives future incidents ;)
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« Reply #101 on: August 09, 2015, 01:01:25 am »
Here it is!  The long-predicted, now delivered Ganondorf bookhaul of 2014!!!

Pics on the way!

Legend has it that the Ganondorf Family Library was established in 2014 when the university where he and his wife worked foolishly decided to downsize their rare books collection to make room for computers.  Thousands of books dispersed into the university's community and this is what the Ganondorfs got:

TITLE:      All The Year Round (41 volumes)
AUTHOR:      Charles Dickens (editor)

TITLE:      The Angel in the House
AUTHOR:      Convetry Patmore
NOTE:      First edition of a work that, I think, was important for shaping English views on women (in the regressive sense).

TITLE:      Are Mediums Really Witches or The Vexed Question of Spiritism
AUTHOR:      John P. Touey

TITLE:      The Art of Thomas Hardy
AUTHOR:      "by Lionel Johnson with a Portrait Etched from Life by William Strang and a Bibliography by John Lane"

TITLE:      Atomic Energy for Military Purposes. The Official Report on the Development of the Atomic Bomb under the Auspices of the United States Government 1940-1945
AUTHOR:      Henry DeWolf Smyth

TITLE:      The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table, Every Man His Own Boswell
AUTHOR:      Oliver Wendell Holmes

TITLE:      Captain Marryat's Stories The King's Own Edition (all 24 volumes)
AUTHOR:      Frederick Marryat
NOTE:      These are some of the very first sea adventure novels.

TITLE:      Chamber's Miscellany of Instructive and Entertaining Facts (volumes 1-14)
AUTHOR:      W. and R. Chambers

TITLE:      Characteristics of Women. Moral, Poetical, and Historical
AUTHOR:      Mrs. Jameson

TITLE:      The Complete Poetical Works of Robert Browning
AUTHOR:      Browning

TITLE:      The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (volumes 1-7)
AUTHOR:      Professor Shedd (editor)

TITLE:      Critical and Miscellaneous Essays
AUTHOR:      Thomas Carlyle

TITLE:      Curious and Facetious Letters of Benjamin Franklin Hitherto Unpublished
AUTHOR:      Old Ben
NOTE:      This volume is "Printed for Privale Circulation; Two Hundred Copies in all, consecutively numbered: 10 on Vellum and 190 on Whatman Paper."  This one is marked "No. 74."  It has 5 letters, 3 in English and 2 in French.  Most of the letters 's' in the thing looks like an 'f.' So a sentence like this looks kind of strange to me "It is the moft natural flate of Man, and therefore the State in which you are moft likely to find folid Happinefs." 

The first letter is "Advising a Young Man as to the Selection of a Mistress."  Memorable passages include "I repeat my former Advice, that in all your Amours you fhould prefer old Women to young ones" for reasons including "Becaufe there is no Hazard of Children, which irregularly produced may be attended with much Inconvenience" and "if the Affair fhould happen to be known, confiderate People might be rather inclined to excufe an old Woman, who would kindly take care of a young man, form his Manners by her good counfels, and prevent his ruining his Health and Fortune among mercenary Proftitutes" and "Becaufe the Sin is lefs…The debauching a Virgin may be her Ruin" and also "They are fo grateful!!" 

Franlin also explains "Becaufe in every Animal that walks upright, the Deficiency of the Fluids that fill the Mufcles appears firft in the higheft Part.  The Face firft grows lank and wrinkled; then the Neck; then the Breaft and Arms; the lower Parts continuing to the laft as plump as ever: fo the Girdle, it is impoffible of two Women to know an old one from a young one.  And as in the dark all Cats are grey, the Pleafure of Corporal Enjoyment with an old Woman is at leaft equal, and frequently fuperior; every Knack being, by Practice, capable of Improvement." 

In the letter, "To The Royal Academy of Brussels," Franklin writes about farting.  He urges the academy "To difcover fome Drug, wholefomeand not difagreeable, to be mixed with our common food, or fauces, that fhall render the natural difcharges of Wind from our Bodies not only inoffenfive, but agreeable as Perfumes."  Near the end, Franklin remarks "furely fuch a liberty of ex-preffing one's Scent-iments, and pleafing one another if of infinitely more importance to human happinefs than that liberty of the Prefs."

TITLE:      Curiosities of Literature
AUTHOR:      I. D'Israeli

TITLE:      Cultivation of Personal Magnetism in Seven Progressive Steps. The Exercise Book of the Magnetism Club of America
AUTHOR:      Edmund Shaftesbury

TITLE:      The Damnation of Theron Ware or Illumination
AUTHOR:      Harold Frederic

TITLE:      A Diagnostic Study of the Errors Made by College Freshmen in their Written Compositions
AUTHOR:      Macon Anderson Leiper

TITLE:      Dick's Future State (the name on the spine) or The Philosophy of A Future State (the name inside)
AUTHOR:      Thomas Dick

TITLE:      Dickens's Works (volumes 1-25)
AUTHOR:      Charles Dickens
NOTE:       This collection is incomplete because Dickens was alive and still writing when it came out.  Surprisingly, when we were examining these books at home, we found that the first volume included a newspaper cutout of Dickens's obituary.  These volumes are beautifully bound with a style that seems weirdly Jackson Pollock-like.   

TITLE:      Essays and Reviews of George Eliot Not Hitherto Reprinted Together with an Introductory Essay on The Genius of George Eliot
AUTHOR:      S. B. Herrick (editor)

TITLE:      An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
AUTHOR:      John Locke
NOTE:      At the beginning of this book is a fold out containing key terms and tables.

TITLE:      Essays in Radical Empiricism
AUTHOR:      William James

TITLE:      The Face of the Deep: A Devotional Commentary of The Apocalypse
AUTHOR:      Christina Rossetti

TITLE:      Fallacies. A View of Logic from the Practical Side.
AUTHOR:      Alfred Sidgwick

TITLE:      The Fifth Column and The First Forty-Nine Stories
AUTHOR:      Ernest Hemingway

TITLE:      George Eliot's Life as Related in her Letters and Journals (volumes 1-3)
AUTHOR:      J.W. Cross (editor)
NOTE:      First Edition. John Cross was Eliot's husband, whom she married after her  partner George Henry Lewes          died.  Cross was 20 years younger than Eliot.

TITLE:      George Meredith, Letters Collected and Edited by his Son (2 volumes) and Diana of the Crossways
AUTHOR:      Meredith

TITLE:      Holland House (2 volumes)
AUTHOR:      Princess Marie Liechtenstein
NOTE:      Did you catch the part where it was written by a motherfucking PRINCESS?  Apparently it is a book about a big house with lots of neat rooms and outside stuff.

TITLE:      Holy War made by King Shaddai upon Diabolics; to Regain the Metropolis of the World or, The Losing and Taking again of the Town of Mansoul
AUTHOR:      John Bunyan

TITLE:      Household Words (14 volumes)
AUTHOR:      Charles Dickens (editor)

TITLE:      Human Nature and Conduct: An Introduction to Social Psychology
AUTHOR:      John Dewey

TITLE:      I am not a Virginian but an American
AUTHOR:      Patrick Henry
PUBLICATION:   not dated, was originally a pamphlet, now has it's own binding, marked 'rare'

TITLE:      Idylls of the King
AUTHOR:      Alfred Tennyson
NOTE:      Pretty green and red cover, illustrated

TITLE:      Immanuel Kant's Kriik der reinen Vernunft
AUTHOR:      Kant
PUBLICATION:   Berlin 1870

TITLE:      Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights
AUTHOR:      Charlotte Bronte and Emily Bronte
NOTE:      Large edition with lots of wood engravings.  Volume 1 features large foreheaded white girls in parade and vol 2 has what's his name, the wild-hearted love interest

TITLE:      Kant
AUTHOR:      William Wallace

TITLE:      Konnecke Bilderatlas zur Gesrhirhte der Dentlrhe Nationallitteratur.  (a visual history of German literature)
AUTHOR:      Gustav Konnecke
NOTE:      Apologies to all for screwing up the German--the type of this luscious, huge book is the kind where it is hard for me to read.

TITLE:      Lectures on the Philosophy of History
AUTHOR:      G. W. F. Hegel.  J. Sibree (translator)

TITLE:      Lectures to Young Men on the Formation of Character
AUTHOR:      Joel Hawes, D.D.
NOTE:       Tiny book, 11.5cm x 7.5cm x 1cm.

TITLE:      The Letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Barrett (2 volumes)
AUTHOR:      Brownings

TITLE:      Life Among the Lowbrows
AUTHOR:      Eleanor Rowland Wembridge

TITLE:      The Life of Samuel Johnson , LL.D. Comphrending An Account of His Studies, and Numerous Works, In Chronological Order. A Series of his Epistolary Correspondence and Conversations with Many Eminent Person; And Various Original Pieces of his Composition, Never Before Printed: The Whole Exhibiting a View of Literature and Literary Men in Great-Britain, For Near Half a Century During Which He Flourished
AUTHOR:      James Boswell, Esq.

TITLE:      The Love of Books: The Philobiblon of Richard De Bury
AUTHOR:      E. C. Thomas (translator)

TITLE:      The Indians' Revenge or, Days of Horror. Some Appalling Evens in the History of the Sioux
AUTHOR:      Alexander Berghold

TITLE:      Magic, White and Black or The Science of Finate and Infinite Life Containing Practical Hints for Students of Occltism
AUTHOR:      Franz Hartmann, M. D.

TITLE:      On the Management of Criminals. A Paper Read Before the Academia of the Catholic Religion
AUTHOR:      Bishop Ullathorne

TITLE:      The Marble Faun (2 volumes)
AUTHOR:      Nathaniel Hawthorne

TITLE:      The Meaning of Truth: A Sequel to 'Pragmatism'
AUTHOR:      William James

TITLE:      A Message to Garcia and Thirteen Other Things
AUTHOR:      "As Written by Fraelbertus and Done into a Book by the Roycrofters at their Shop which is in East Aurora New York, A. D. Nine-Teen Hundred One"   
NOTE:      This thing feels like it's bound in human skin or something.  I have some expertise in this matter having acquired an intimate acquaintance with skin since before I was born.

TITLE:      Moses from an Old Manse (2 volumes)
AUTHOR:      Nathaniel Hawthorne

TITLE:      Passages from the English Note-books of Nathaniel Hawthorne (volumes 1-2)
AUTHOR:      Hawthorne

TITLE:      The Pet Annual, A Gift for All Seasons
AUTHOR:      Edward B. Fellows (editor)
PUBLICATION:   undated, likely late 19th century
NOTE:      This is a collection of short stories written by students in the New York City public school system.  Students age from 7 to 16.

TITLE:      The Poetical Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Complete in One Volume. Corrected by the Last London Edition
AUTHOR:      Browning

TITLE:      The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Including the Dramas
AUTHOR:      William Michael Rosetti (editor)

TITLE:      The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott Containing The Lay of the Last Minstrel, Marmion, Lady of the Lake, Don Roderick, Rokeby, Ballads, Lyrics, and Songs. With a Life of the Author
AUTHOR:      Scott

TITLE:      Poems and Ballads of Goethe
AUTHOR:      W. Edmondstoune Aytoun and Theodore Martin (translators)
NOTE:      This poor volume has been ravaged and it's spine is coming away.  This reveals that some newspaper advertisements were used in the binding.  There are two ads visible.  One depicts a carriage in front of a building and the other seems to be an ad for a special kind of box that is patented and is supposed to function like a desk with many compartments.

TITLE:      The Principles of Psychology (2 volumes)
AUTHOR:      Herbert Spencer

TITLE:      ?
AUTHOR:      ??

TITLE:      Reviewing
AUTHOR:      Virginia Woolf
NOTE:      This is a review pamphlet in the series, Hogarth Sixpenny Pamphlets

TITLE:      The Rhubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
AUTHOR:      Fitzgerald (translator)

TITLE:      The Science of English Verse
AUTHOR:      Sidney Lanier

TITLE:      The Secret Agent
AUTHOR:      Joseph Conrad

TITLE:      The Seraphic Highway: Talks to Tertiaries and Non-Tertiaries on The Third Order of St. Francis
AUTHOR:      Fulgence Meyer

TITLE:      The Shakespeare Head Bronte (19 volumes)
AUTHOR:      The Brontes
NOTE:      Everything all of the Brontes ever wrote

TITLE:      Shakespeare's Works. Edited With a Scrupulous Revision of the Text by
AUTHOR:      Mary Cowden Clarke (editor)
NOTE:      This is a massive and handsome leather tome.

TITLE:      Shelley Memorials: From Authentic Sources
AUTHOR:      "Edited by Lady Shelley. To Which is Added An Essay on Christianity, By Percy Bysshe Shelley"

TITLE:      The Sleeping Car and Other Farces
AUTHOR:      William D. Howells

TITLE:      The Spanish Gypsy, A Poem
AUTHOR:      George Eliot
NOTE:      First US edition

TITLE:      The Stones of Venice (2 volumes)
AUTHOR:      John Ruskin

TITLE:      The Story of Books
AUTHOR:      Gertrude Burford Rawlings

TITLE:      Studies in Sexual Inversion
AUTHOR:      John Addington Symonds

TITLE:      Suppressed Chapters and Other Bookishness
AUTHOR:      Robert Bridges

TITLE:      The Thousand and One Nights or the Arabian Nights' Entertainments.  A New Edition. Adapted to Family Reading. Embellished with Numerous Characteristic Engravings, Illustraged from Designs by D. C. Johnston
AUTHOR:      A woman and a hero lost to the sands of time

TITLE:      The Works of Byron, Including The Suppressed Poems Also A Sketch of His Life (volumes 4-8)
AUTHOR:      Lord Byron
NOTE:      These books are tiny, measuring 11.5cm x 7cm x 2.5cm.

TITLE:      The Works of Lord Byron; In Verse and Prose Including His Letters, Journals, etc. with A Sketch of His Life
AUTHOR:      Byron
NOTE:      Nice big brown brick of a thing

TITLE:      The Writings of Henry David Thoreau (volume 1)
AUTHOR:      Thoreau

TITLE:      The Yellow Book (11 volumes)
AUTHOR:      various
NOTE:      This is a publication featuring writers such as Oscar Wilde and Henry James.  A 'yellow book' was then known as a naughty thing, sometimes pornographic, so the name was chosen to give an 'edgy' connotation.  I think in Dorian Grey, Dorian's downfall is preceded by reading a yellow book.

OTHER STUFF (i'm not especially macabre, at least i don't think so, but some of the stuff below was just going to be thrown out and that didn't seem quite right)

   ⁃   Daus Neue Reich, numbers 16 and 18.  Newspaper periodicals from 1929.
   ⁃   A collection of hundreds of handmade glass slides that appear to date to the early to the early 20th.  These depict famous works of art from Europe.
   ⁃   A signed note from the Son of Sam
   ⁃   A signed note from Timothy Pickering, a general of the Continental Army in the American Revolutionary War
   ⁃   A signed postcard from Hans Bar, Hitler's personal pilot
   ⁃   A signed letter from Dwight Eisenhower
   ⁃   A signed letter from Eleanor Roosevelt
   ⁃   A signed letter from Henry McClellan, confederate general
   ⁃   A signed photograph of Bishop Desmond Tutu
   ⁃   A photo of the Titanic signed by Marjorie N. Robb, a survivor
   ⁃   A photo of a B-29 bomber signed by 5 of the 12 crew members that bombed Hiroshima
   ⁃   A signed letter by John Tyler, lesser known US president
   ⁃   Fingerprints of Charles Manson


THE ANECDOTE:    So there I was, going back to school to earn a nursing degree.  I am taking Microbiology and Anatomy and Physiology I in the fall.  I am in the basement of the library rooting through the rare books.  My A&P prof is down there collecting science books.  I spot a book entitled "Flagellates."  These being the tiny one-celled critters with tails, I take the book off the shelf and hand it to my prof and say "Here, here's a book you would like." 

He looks at it.  Looks at me.  He opens it, scans the contents.  Looks at me.  He looks back at the contents.  He puts it back on the shelf without a word and turns away. 

I don't understand what's going on but later I realize that he is an A&P prof and that my Microbiology prof would be the person who would really enjoy an old book on flagella so I go back and nab it taking it home. 

I have it on my coffee table, waiting until the next class when I can present it to her.  It is the weekend, I am drinking coffee with my legs up on the table.  My eyes wonder from my coffee cup, down my legs to the table and onto the book.  It does not say "Flagellates."  It says "Flagellation"

"Flagellation & the Flagellants"

As in whipping.

As in "Flagellation & the Flagellants. A History of the Rod in all Countries from the Earliest Period to the Present Time"

Oh God.  What have I done.

I scan the table of contents.

"Chapter 1: A Learned Controversy to Begin With"

"Chapter 2: A Brief Summary of Another Curious Controversy"

"Chapter 3: Flagellation Among the Jews"

I'm dead.  I'm going to be flunked.  Withdraw now.

The book meanders to what might be considered safer topics relative to the context

"Chapter 8: Flagellation Among the Franciscans and Similar Religious Orders" and "Chapter 16: Penal Flagellation" but then…

"The Flogging of Slaves"

"On the Whipping of Young Ladies"

"Birch in the Boudoir"

My anxiety is compounded since my prof is a gay man not entirely out of the closet in a conservative community.  What if he thinks I'm not only a pervert but also a homophobe.  Should I answer to "homophobic pervert" when he calls the role?

The next class arrives and I am too petrified to try to clear the air.  Mild awkwardness.  No explosions.  The next class: the same.  The semester progresses, the event is fading.  My grades are ok in the class.  Perhaps he though I was aiming for edgy humor?  The semester is over.  A- for the class, woohoo! 

Spring semester, A&P 2.  One night I am drinking with him and others (I am also adjunct faculty and my wife is full time faculty at the school.  I am finally drunk enough and removed enough to retell the story.  Laughs all around.  He denies remembering the episode.  His eyes say the opposite.  B+ that semester.  Just glad I survived at all. 

Some close encounters with death and humiliation make a person remember that you're only on this earth for so long and then you're gone.  With such little time, you have to be careful not to had your professor a book about archaic sadomasochism.  And if you do, and if you survive, toast your own health and count your blessings.

TITLE:      Flagellation and the Flagellants. A History of the Rod   in all Countries from the Earliest Period to the Present Time
AUTHOR:      M. Cooper

if you're credulity is not already stretched too far i will tell you that i have not listed half the books we acquired although this list covers most (most) of the sexiest titles


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« Reply #102 on: August 09, 2015, 05:06:14 pm »
Wow. Thats a lot of books... You are going to need to open up your own library or book museum
One of the other conditions of possibility.


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« Reply #103 on: August 29, 2015, 07:22:26 pm »
Grabbed a few things today:

Matthew Stover: Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith - SB in decent condition, general wear.
Timothy Zahn: Sar Wars: Allegiance - SB in decent condition, general wear.
James Lucieno: Star Wars: Rise of the Darth Vader - SB in decent condition, general wear.
David Gemmell: Morningstar - SB in good condition, minor wear.
Alan Dean Foster: The End of the Matter - SB in good condition, minor wear.
Alan Dean Foster: Mission to Moulokin - SB in good condition, minor wear.
J.R.R. Tolkin: The Children of Hurin - SB in great condition, illustrated version with glossed inner pages.
3 for a £1 so £3 for all. From a charity store.

Tad Williams: The Shadowmarch Trilogy #1: Shadowmarch - HB in great condition.
Greg Keyes: The Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone #1: The Briar King - SB in almost perfect condition - maybe read once.
Greg Keyes: The Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone #2: Thw Charnel Prince - HB in almost perfect condition - maybe read once.
Greg Keyes: The Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone #3: Blood Knight - HB in almost perfect condition - maybe read once.
Ian C. Esselmont: Night of Knives - HB in almost perfect condition - maybe read once.
£1 each so £5 for all. From a charity store.

David Gemmell: Echoes of the Great Song - SB in good condition, minor wear.
£2 from a charity store.
Hugh Howey: Dust - SB in great condition.
£2.50 from a charity store.

MG you could actually open up a museum with the ages of those books. The oldest books I have are I think maybe a few 60s and then some 70s. Wow!
« Last Edit: August 29, 2015, 07:24:27 pm by SilentRoamer »


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« Reply #104 on: August 29, 2015, 09:02:11 pm »

Grabbed a few things today:

Matthew Stover: Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith - SB in decent condition, general wear.
Timothy Zahn: Sar Wars: Allegiance - SB in decent condition, general wear.
James Lucieno: Star Wars: Rise of the Darth Vader - SB in decent condition, general wear.
David Gemmell: Morningstar - SB in good condition, minor wear.
Alan Dean Foster: The End of the Matter - SB in good condition, minor wear.
Alan Dean Foster: Mission to Moulokin - SB in good condition, minor wear.
J.R.R. Tolkin: The Children of Hurin - SB in great condition, illustrated version with glossed inner pages.
3 for a £1 so £3 for all. From a charity store.

Tad Williams: The Shadowmarch Trilogy #1: Shadowmarch - HB in great condition.
Greg Keyes: The Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone #1: The Briar King - SB in almost perfect condition - maybe read once.
Greg Keyes: The Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone #2: Thw Charnel Prince - HB in almost perfect condition - maybe read once.
Greg Keyes: The Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone #3: Blood Knight - HB in almost perfect condition - maybe read once.
Ian C. Esselmont: Night of Knives - HB in almost perfect condition - maybe read once.
£1 each so £5 for all. From a charity store.

David Gemmell: Echoes of the Great Song - SB in good condition, minor wear.
£2 from a charity store.
Hugh Howey: Dust - SB in great condition.
£2.50 from a charity store.

MG you could actually open up a museum with the ages of those books. The oldest books I have are I think maybe a few 60s and then some 70s. Wow!

SR u find all the best deals! Looking forward to reading Dust. For some reason i read Shift first and havent read Wool yet... :P