Sorry for the double post, but I had discussed, breifly, with Wilshire on the Quorum about a new Nerdanel I had about skin-spies.
For one thing, it goes back to the "“Something impossibly ancient,” the abomination said softly. “Inconceivably beautiful.”" quote, from Darkness. I still feel like this is a major clue that skin-spies are far older than we are lead to believe. Of course, there is the possibility that it refers only to it's own makers and not itself, in which case there is nothing more there, but what is the fun in that?
So, if skin-spies really are
ancient then it would stand to reason that they might have been around in far antiquity. This
could account for some of the fractiousness of Men during the Apocalypse. Think of this anecdote:
Then, in 2131, after a dispute with King Nimeric of Aörsi, Celmomas himself abandoned his own Holy War. The following year disaster struck. Consult legions, apparently utilizing a vast subterranean network of tunnels, appeared in the Ring Mountains to the rear of the Ordeal.
Highly convenient for the Consult that there, on the doorstep of victory, the Ordeal was sundered and so the Consult's victory was all-but assured. Sure, we are lead to believe that this was in the making the whole time, but it still smacks of something the Consult would most certainly be doing, finding preexisting wedges and driving them further home to assure the wanted result.
Nothing to really back this up, just a little idle speculation...