TSACast (SA Podcast)

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« Reply #61 on: July 14, 2014, 11:00:45 am »
So... I've ran it through a leveling program a number of times. I have to apologize to everyone for the sound quality. Second episode problems :(. I will endeavor to get the original recording program working again for future episodes (as what occurred is I thought my secondary program was recording both my audio track and my mic track separately when in fact the episode was being recording entirely through my microphone :().

Regardless, great content. I had a lot of fun making it.

TSACast Episodes
iTunes Link - I believe it takes a 24 hr period to update.

The Existential Scream
Weaponizing the Warrior Pose - Declare War Inwardly
carnificibus: multus sanguis fluit
Die Better
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« Reply #62 on: July 14, 2014, 11:22:17 am »
Excellent. And nice intro music.


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« Reply #63 on: July 14, 2014, 12:25:34 pm »
First link does not work, second one shows only the first TSAcast
One of the other conditions of possibility.


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« Reply #64 on: July 14, 2014, 02:08:43 pm »
Hearts of Moenghus

Second link updates once every 24 hrs.


Excellent. And nice intro music.

Thanks, Feananra.

In my haste and tunnel-vision of doing the second episode, I forgot to do plugs.

I decided when I was doing the intro/outro, I wanted to do something special with the music and reference something greater so the intro and outro this episode were pulled from Bakker's blog-list where he has some music that he writes to. So Hearts of Moenghus featured Fehu - Wardruna.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2014, 02:18:04 pm by Madness »
The Existential Scream
Weaponizing the Warrior Pose - Declare War Inwardly
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Die Better
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« Reply #65 on: July 15, 2014, 10:38:22 am »
Ugh... I thoughtlessly said Sranc in the episode (describing who Saubon, Gothyelk, and Skaiyelt fight in TWP) and I meant Fanim :(.

Lol - what a lapse.


On Damnation, Earwa, and Outside Might Work:

The Ground, the Void and the Outside
The Inchoroi

Happy Ent's Post Regarding the Serwe's Heart metaphysics:

Bakker XXII: All Aboard the Damnation Express: HE's Explanadum - I knew I remembered relatively where this one was.

locke's adoption thread:

The Metaphysics of Earwa Adoption


And another lapse: Kellhus's "conversations" with Achamian and Cnaiur happen while Kellhus is hanging on the Circumfix, not before.

locke's Almanac comments on Kellhus lying to Cnaiur:

TDTCB, Ch. 12 - though, it's actually kalstone who enumerates the lies (?) in a later post.

Yeah, I definitely can't do an episode again ;D! But many thanks to MG and FB for allowing me to speculate "in ignorance" once again. I really hope people read into my words a bunch because, though there are great teaser morsels in there, those two really helped me fall into my previous tracks of thinking, most of which are just wrong ;).

Cheers. I wish the noosphere luck in continuing production 8).


Found all the links!
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 01:23:49 pm by Madness »
The Existential Scream
Weaponizing the Warrior Pose - Declare War Inwardly
carnificibus: multus sanguis fluit
Die Better
The Theory-Killer

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« Reply #66 on: July 15, 2014, 07:12:55 pm »
Lol Madness, I was wondering about that (the sranc thing). I thought it seemed off, since we see so little of the sranc in the first trilogy, but I figured it was just one more thing I had missed. All good in the hoo


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« Reply #67 on: July 16, 2014, 01:03:17 am »
I subscribed to the podcast on the iTunes podcast app and I'm not seeing it yet.

Oh yeah, I encourage you to make more of these.  You can talk ASOIAF with anyone these days.  It's hard to find TSA chat.


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« Reply #68 on: July 16, 2014, 01:57:08 am »
Welcome to the Second Apocalypse, Ozark.

I'll endeavour to figure out what's wrong with the iTunes feed.
The Existential Scream
Weaponizing the Warrior Pose - Declare War Inwardly
carnificibus: multus sanguis fluit
Die Better
The Theory-Killer


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« Reply #69 on: July 16, 2014, 11:30:03 pm »
Very interesting listen, I've been curious about how the Cishaurim react to Chorae, it seems odd that for all the mention of how it kills them as well as anyone who bears the mark, no one comments that it kills them any differently than turning them to salt.  The only first hand account I could find was when Proyas throws his Chorae at the Cishaurim in Shimeh where it's described as "the saffron figure plummeted like a sodden flag."  Almost every other time a sorcerer is killed by Chorae there's some mention of them turning into salt statues, it's definitely suspicious that's it's not remarked upon when Cishaurim die to Chorae.

Also, is it generally accepted that Moenghus is still alive or is that more of a crackpot theory?  The first time I read TTT I didn't question it but reading that part again it sounds more like a description of the Chorae breaking some type of possession spell rather than killing a sorcerer.  Although it could just be the way the Cishaurim react to Chorae I suppose.


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« Reply #70 on: July 17, 2014, 01:07:23 am »
Zadok, I think that's a huge question, Cishaurim + chorae, and I don't know what the hell could be going on. 

That's a really cool idea about the chorae breaking a possession spell--do you have more thoughts on that?

I think that Moenghus is still around and I think that that might be in the crackpot territory.  :)  I just can't buy that Moenghus spent all that time just to make a mistake at the end.  It's a set up!  I can think of all kinds of ways he faked his own death AND it would be the Dunyain way--rule from the shadows!

Some cool Moenghus threads:
Moenghus is a Lying Liar Who Lies
Moenghus and the Sranc


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« Reply #71 on: July 17, 2014, 02:12:51 am »
Admittedly there's not a whole lot of evidence for it, more of a feeling I got.  The description of the talents and limits of Moenghus reminded me of when Kellhus was thinking about what Akka told him Aurang would be capable of when he possessed Esmi.  It would also provide an alternate explanation to Kellhus' assumption of why "Mallahet" was so weak in terms of the Water but so strong in other areas.  Also, the way he says he needs Cnaiur's strength I believe he may have been planning on possessing him before he Chorae'd him.  Maybe when you're dealing with ensouled creatures it's not just a matter of being able to posses anyone you need some kind of consent or at least a deep connection with the person.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 02:16:38 am by Zadok »


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« Reply #72 on: July 17, 2014, 05:10:14 pm »
Well, I like your idea a lot.  I can't get over the notion that Moenghus is still alive and controlling everything from the shadows.  What better way to stay hidden than to create a Mallahet to be your front.  Meppa is also a front?  Pehaps Mallahet, Meppa, and Kellhus all suffer from the same delusion of being free agents.


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« Reply #73 on: July 17, 2014, 06:23:31 pm »
I don't think that Meppa is Dunyain he doesn't seem to wield that much influence over Fanayal from what we've seen.  Although if his amnesia story is true maybe the Chorae breaking the possession spell messed up his consciousness/soul somehow and it is Moenghus but he doesn't know it.


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« Reply #74 on: July 21, 2014, 01:12:20 pm »
So I've figured out that I know nothing about RSS feeds... Also, we need to get more permanent hosting for the TSACasts.


Lol Madness, I was wondering about that (the sranc thing). I thought it seemed off, since we see so little of the sranc in the first trilogy, but I figured it was just one more thing I had missed. All good in the hoo

I was riffing off MG when he said that the Sranc really inform TAE (where everything is about the Sranc, really). But I was trying, inarticulately, to make the connection that in re-reading PON, I was boggled by any of the Omnipresent POVs where men war with men... THERE ARE SRANC TO THE NORTH! In that way, the Sranc always informed my re-reading experience.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2014, 01:15:05 pm by Madness »
The Existential Scream
Weaponizing the Warrior Pose - Declare War Inwardly
carnificibus: multus sanguis fluit
Die Better
The Theory-Killer