Update as of May 21, 2018:-Created the "
Mixed ethnicity" category.
-Added the "
Anasûrimbor Inrilatas", "
Anasûrimbor Kayûtas", "
Anasûrimbor Kelmomas", "
Anasûrimbor Moënghus II", "
Anasûrimbor Samarmas", "
Anasûrimbor Serwa", "
Anasûrimbor Theliopa", "
Anissi", "
Maithanet", "
Nameless one", "
Nersei Thaila (younger)" and "
Nersei Xinemus" pages to said category.
Please tell me if I'm missing anyone. (I didn't include Mimara as there's less actual evidence in the text than for, say, Maithanet, who is said to have come from Cingulat or Nilnamesh. It's still
possible Esmenet and Mimara's father could both have Norsirai ancestors several generations back and that Mimara's paler skin and green eyes come from recessive genes.) I also only added people who have two parents of differing ethnicity to this category so far, should I also add characters like Sanathi, who is 3/4 Scylvendi and 1/4 Norsirai? (That could make things too complicated down the line...)
Update as of May 26, 2018:-Updated the "
Anasûrimbor Inrilatas", "
Anasûrimbor Kayûtas", "
Anasûrimbor Kellhus", "
Anasûrimbor Kelmomas", "
Anasûrimbor Samarmas", "
Anasûrimbor Serwa", "
Anasûrimbor Theliopa", "
Cnaiür urs Skötha", "
Drusas Achamian", "
Esmenet", "
Maithanet", "
Nameless one", "
Nersei Proyas", "
Serwë", "
Varalt Sorweel III" and "
Zsoronga ut Nganka'kull" pages with the dates of birth (and death, in one case) estimated in
my other thread. (I didn't include Moënghus the Elder here because I wasn't happy with how that estimation turned out. Proyas' estimated date of birth is also subject to future change(s) after I talked with Dora Vee about it in more detail. Koringus and the Boy don't have wiki articles yet, so theirs will be added when I create those.)
-Created the "
Nurbanu Ze" page, in honour of the recent Quorum "Nurbanu Joe" conversation
(and hopefully future running gag).
In the Quorum, mentioned how I always found this character's name funny because "Ze" is very similar to "Zé", the traditional diminutive for "José" (the Portuguese form of "Joseph"). I said that it was the equivalent of his name being "Nurbanu Joe" for you all native English speakers. H (and later BFK) commented how that sounded like a good name for something like a brand of beachwear, and the conversation went on from there.
-Created the "
Xiuhianni" and "
Characters from Jekhia" categories (yes, not much of a need for those before, but TAE
did introduce 3 Jekki characters: Xonghis, Ze, and a member of the Company of Scions).
-Did some heavy editing of the "
Nurbanu Soter" page (it's now completely up to date).
Update as of May 29, 2018:-Edited the "
Sos-Praniura" page (which is now up to date as well), following a Quorum conversation on whether he was a Man or a Nonman.