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Messages - Hirtius/Pansa

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TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Ishterebinth
« on: July 02, 2016, 07:04:59 pm »
*Looks back and into the other thread   Bollocks. lol  Honestly, because locke didn't cite where he found it I assumed it was just another excerpt from TGO and not TTT.  I was super elated to think I had found some new detail.  Well this is pretty embarrassing.

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Ishterebinth
« on: July 02, 2016, 06:06:21 am »
Was rereading TTT and came across this, the invocation of The Sagas that Esmenet reads:

Rage—Goddess! Sing of your flight,
From our Fathers and our Sons.
Away, Goddess! Secret your divinity!
From conceit that makes kings of fools,
From the scrutiny that makes corpses of souls.
Mouths open, arms thrown wide, we beseech thee:
Sing us the end of your song.

Totally reminded of locke's musings on the Nonman songs—about Anarlu/The Gnostic Goddess Sophia being sundered and fractured to create material reality, or whatever.  A coincidence?—or nah?

Author Q&A / Re: Political upheaval in the New Empire
« on: June 27, 2016, 08:08:26 pm »
Hmm.  Interesting.  I understand your argument.  The issue is that if I was to take our baseline understanding of an Orthodox figure it would have to be Psatma Nannaferi.  She doesn't necessarily view Fanayal as the lesser of two evils, but the Anasurimbor are the greater of two evils, certainly.  If she, as an Orthodox, can tolerate the Fanim as contingent on Yatwer's plans, I naturally assumed that that tolerance was extending to all Yatwerian priestesses who would be fomenting rebellion specifically against the Anasurimbor Dynasty.  If both Fanimry and Zaudunyanni are false and evil, "which is falser and eviler in the eyes of the Orthodox?" becomes the question.

It is cool how 50/50 these political reactions can manifest.  The Capital being besieged can motivate and galvanize the people do defend or it is a divine signifier of disfavor that the empire is weak and must be destroyed.  The leadership of a political party can be assassinated and it can demonstrate to the remaining members that their political ideology was in the wrong and this was a manifestation of that failure, or it can galvanize the members to "double down" on their beliefs to make sure that failure never happens again.

Thanks for the response, Scott!  Appreciate it.

General Earwa / Re: History of Earwa from Wert
« on: June 27, 2016, 04:32:57 am »
Is it just me or does the font change about halfway through?  Rather jarring. 

I may be imagining things but wasn't it mentioned somewhere that Sejenus was actually executed at Kyudea?  Once the city was destroyed all the cultural significance of Sejenus and that mythology was shifted onto Shimeh for political/cultural reason.  I remember this—but I'm not sure from where... 

I love those political maps.

Edit: At the beginning of the novels, is Nron its own independent polity or is it a tributary state of Conriya?  I always assumed it was the latter.  But that map suggests otherwise.

Author Q&A / [TGO SPOILERS] Political upheaval in the New Empire
« on: June 23, 2016, 06:50:55 am »
I just want to pick your brain on a weird dissonance for me, Scott, about the evolution of the political state of the New Empire from WLW to TGO.  At the beginning of WLW the Imperium is facing a litany of issues: Mass riots in Carythusal and Aoknyssus, Apparati assassinated in key positions, Scylvendi raiding the Gap in large numbers, Famiri tribes massacring their own countrymen who converted to Zaudunyanism and attacking Conriyan estates,Fanim Insurrectionist independent of Fanayal rioting and fomenting rebellion in the old Fanim provinces.  After Esmi is captured by the Shrial Knights during her hiding and then has her discourse with Maithanet, I was under the impression from Maithanet's descriptions that things were getting worse, that the political state of the New Empire was degrading even further.  With all of Maithanet's energy directed to maintaining control in Momemn for the three weeks or-so he was Imperial Custodian it sounded like he couldn't delegate authority effectively.  Then he dies and Fanayal arrives.

In TGO however, all of these external problems are almost yadda yadda'd away? There is a throwaway line about how Esmenet's conviction in resisting Fanayal was galvanizing the rest of the Empire to support her.  But wouldn't those who are ardent opponents of the Anasurimbor not really give a shit?  They would just smell the blood in the water and become even more ferocious.  It seems like something is missing.  I don't want to overstep and say it's a continuity error, but I want to ask: are other political/military operations going on in the background of the Three Seas? There just has to be much more going on.

Author Q&A / Patridomoi
« on: June 22, 2016, 05:09:07 am »
This is a super minor issue that has bothered me.  In WLW, Biaxi Tarpellas is referred to as the Patridomos of House Biaxi serving in the Great Ordeal.  Concurrently, Biaxi Sankas is referred to as a Patridomos of House Biaxi while he is in Momemn.  Is a Patridomos of a Nansur caste-noble family a heritable rank as a singular patriarch "head of the family" or can you have multiple Patridomoi in a family?  Or is this a continuity error?  This is a pretty softball worldbuilding question, no big tent metaphysical conundrums.

Shall we bring him to the humming brink of climax?  Is that what you mean, Wilshire?

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Ishterebinth
« on: June 15, 2016, 06:07:49 pm »
zomfg  This thread will give me an aneurysm.  Inrilatas gives Maithanet the command to look upon Kelmomas using "his own portion" as if it's a shorthand for Dunyain abilities of observation and analysis.  Dunyain abilities = "show them my dread portion" = Mundane singing manipulation.

Also, despite whatever weird doubt there exists against Serwa's intellect and abilities, she is not stupid.  She speaks Ihrimsu, she knows what Oirunas was saying.  She knows that he hates the Inchoroi and the Consult.  The two chief toadies of the Consult WERE JUST KILLED—why?!—why would she attack any of the other Nonmen?

My read of some people here is that there is a fixation on the desire for the spectacle of sorcery and violence to resolve this cliffhanger.  And I remain adamant that there is —demonstrably so—no evidence that that is going to happen.

ty Nil Sertax for backing me up

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Meppa is...
« on: June 01, 2016, 04:36:59 pm »
Well... I always read that exchange with Malowebi as about more metaphorical/abstract identity rather than personal identity.

 "The people call him Stonebreaker, they say that he was sent to us by the Solitary God."
"What do you say?"
"I say he was sent to me! I am the Solitary God's gift to his people."
"And what does he say?"
"Meppa? He does not know who he is."

Less about who he was in the past and more about what his role in the metaphysical chess game will be going forward.  But please, tinfoil away.

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Meppa is...
« on: June 01, 2016, 04:10:25 pm »
Isn't he described as having snowy-white hair in WLW?—before he shaves obviously.  If he was the boy in TTT that would put him at about 32-36 in TAE.  Not old enough to have complete loss of hair pigmentation.

Edit: Exactly Blackstone! Thank you.  Took the words right out of my mouth.

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Uster Shraul?
« on: June 01, 2016, 01:08:33 pm »
"He turned, saw that Mepiro, Bogyar, Scraul and the others were laughing—laughing because he was laughing, Saubon realized."

"His angular Shieldbearer, Uster Scraul, was the lone defector. Ever odd, he stood with his shoulders square to the spectre to Ingol heaving over the northeastern wall, with only his face turned to the pluming ejecta. However incidental his pose, his look exposed a soul roundly stumped, not by what he witness—the eyes would have to be focused—but by what he did not, by the crushing sun."

"The Knights of the Desert Lion chopped at what seemed a copse of nightmarish trees about him.  Saubon glimpsed Scraul turn too late to a dropping cudgel, vanish beneath it, even as Bogyar's battleaxe struck the miscreant's basin skull."

I would guess that we are getting an origin story for this guy's recruitment in Saubon's elite cohort.

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: The Parts Appalling
« on: May 30, 2016, 06:33:20 am »
Was rereading some choice bits of TWP for some resonance regarding Saubon.  The episode on the Plains of Mengedda is fraught with so much more significance.  And!—and in Caraskand when Saubon is ranting to Kellhus about he'd choose damnation and hell a thousand times over if he could only rule as king for a day. Fuck.

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Ishterebinth
« on: May 23, 2016, 06:09:26 pm »
No.  lol  No.  I don't think I'll ever be as adamant about anything else on this forum!  "Show them my portion" has plenty of semantic ambiguities, besides "kill them all if things go south."  To me, that means: "Make a demonstration of my abilities", which doesn't preclude singing a good hymn to ensnare the Nonmen.

And my read of "the time for singing was over" wasn't a rolling up the sleeves getting ready for a fight but more of a resigned to their doom, I guess. They don't know that Sorweel is coming back to save them.  They are pretty much dead at that point without any chance of escape or hope.

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Ishterebinth
« on: May 23, 2016, 04:53:00 pm »
Totally Wilshire.  Especially with the Nonmen genes in the Anasurimbor bloodline.  Kellhus is described as having a "deep and cavernous voice ringing with inhuman resonance" at the very last page of TTT.  The exact same phrase is used by Achamian to describe Cleric waxing philosophical in Cil-Aujas.  Those Nonmen genes will allow Serwa to hit those high notes—imagine the trauma of recollection of all their wives singing?

TGO ARC Discussion / Re: Ishterebinth
« on: May 23, 2016, 03:41:53 pm »
I am firmly in the camp that Serwa's singing at the end is purely mundane.  Much is made of the spiritual, religious value of song to the Nonmen in one of the chapters.  She'll perform some Tragic ballad which will Dunyain-whelm all the Cunoroi.

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