The Prince of Nothing (Film)

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« Reply #90 on: June 03, 2013, 03:32:15 pm »
Quote from: Curethan
Quote from: Auriga
Nah, I was rather thinking of the rape demons and monster cocks and eldritch abominations in Berserk. The author of that cartoon would get the Consult down to a T.

I know brother, I have seen it. 
The mangaka's character/creature designs are actually better than the anime.  Also, the manga is still running, albeit with very sporadic releases.
I agree that anime has a better chance of doing a passable interpretation than hollywood.

But its amusing to consider the application of japanimetropes to Bakker, no?

Kellhus yelling out "Conditioned Ground Probability Attack!" whilst fighting skin spies, etc.
Aurax's visit to Esme in Sumna would undoubtedly have many more tentacles.

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« Reply #91 on: June 03, 2013, 03:32:23 pm »
Quote from: bbaztek
serwe is pretty much an anime character to begin with. oh kellhus-sama

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« Reply #92 on: June 03, 2013, 03:32:29 pm »
Quote from: Ajokli
Quote from: bbaztek
there will never come a day that a TSA movie is greenlit.

Thanks be to Zeus

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« Reply #93 on: June 03, 2013, 03:32:37 pm »
Quote from: Madness
Quote from: Auriga
It's still funny to imagine a PON movie being advertised as "a nice fantasy film"* and drawing the typical crowd, only to have the audiences storming out of the theater or fainting in their seats.

* Complete with a cheesy official poster of a cool warrior-monk, a fatherly-looking wizard, a blonde bombshell, a kick-ass barbarian chieftain, and a CGI tornado. The movie would be released with toys, action figures, and stuffed Aurang plushies for the kids.


Quote from: Davias
That was just my two cents

I'm not one to fault others their vices. I'm fighting for my own life and I can empathize with concessions that people make within circumstantial constraints - your boy can't spend his time on just anything. I've met vapid people completely capable of reading Bakker and others who are transformed by their experiences with his writing.

We're all just at different stages of development. Best you can do is leave Disciple or TDTCB around. If he's a reader at all, he'll give them a try. Pushing anything on people prompts them to ignore the content.

Lmao... Avatar was basically halfway to Inchoroi Sranc-rape, what with their phallic hair-melds? There aren't even tentacles in TSA.

Yet...  :shock:

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« Reply #94 on: June 03, 2013, 03:32:44 pm »
Quote from: Davias
I'm not one to fault others their vices. I'm fighting for my own life and I can empathize with concessions that people make within circumstantial constraints - your boy can't spend his time on just anything. I've met vapid people completely capable of reading Bakker and others who are transformed by their experiences with his writing.

You're right, madness, but sometimes, I seek those conversations like a bear is seeking honey in the woods :D
Also, my friend talks to me about his beloved online games in a similar manner and I couldn't withstand the urge to do it ;)

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« Reply #95 on: June 03, 2013, 03:32:52 pm »
Quote from: Truth Shines
Quote from: Curethan
Kellhus yelling out "Conditioned Ground Probability Attack!" whilst fighting skin spies, etc.
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:   As the kids say these days: FTW! :lol:

As for Berserk, I actually like the anime better than the manga.  The anime in fact captures the best part of the manga -- everything after the Golden Age arc is pretty much downhill as far as I'm concerned.

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« Reply #96 on: June 03, 2013, 03:32:58 pm »
Quote from: Madness
+1 Davias.


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« Reply #97 on: August 31, 2013, 03:19:52 pm »
Found this, thought it would fit in here.
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« Reply #98 on: August 31, 2013, 08:00:04 pm »
Liam Neeson as Moenghus is fucking brilliant

edit: hahaha holy shit don draper as sarcellus. "the thing called sarcellus hungered, most of all. it hungered for unspeakable congress... and an old fashioned to wash it down"
« Last Edit: August 31, 2013, 08:05:11 pm by Baztek »


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« Reply #99 on: August 31, 2013, 11:41:20 pm »
I'd seen that before. There are honestly some stellar picks.

I'd love to see Cavill and Sewell as Conphas and Martemus. Gordan-Levitt and Cavill as Proyas vs. Conphas. Feore and Walken are genius as Eleazaras and Iyokus. Perlman and Oldman as Aurang and Seswatha.
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« Reply #100 on: September 01, 2013, 12:10:42 am »
Walken as Iyokus is pretty funny.
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Francis Buck

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« Reply #101 on: September 02, 2013, 02:53:21 am »
After doing my reread of the series and thinking about it as a movie, I feel like it would be really tough to adapt. And not because of the sexual violence or anything (to be fair, a lot of that could be implied rather than directly shown, which is often a lot more effective anyway). Even with an infinite budget, I just think it would be damn hard to do without being able to see into the character's minds -- especially Kellhus, and to a lesser extent, Cnaiur. It would almost have to have flashbacks, both to the time of Moe and Cnaiur, and possibly flashbacks (some of which would likely have to be brand new) to Kellhus's time in Ishual, which would serve as explanations of his Dunyain powers. Obviously some information that could be cleverly delivered in other ways, but there's just a shitload of backstory to the Cnaiur/Moe/Kellhus storyline that is taken almost entirely from internal thoughts, and it would be hard to reconfigure all the necessary stuff into action/dialogue.

That is, unless, you did voice overs. And that's...risky, especially in something like an epic fantasy. You could go for something along the lines of Terrence Malick's Thin Red Line, which might work if properly executed (and could be damn interesting as well). Or, you could have some kind of narrator, in the vein of The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. Both options could work, and both could potentially be really great (or turn out horrible). Overall though, I think a TV show would probably be the best route. It would of course allow a lot more time to get all the important details in (I think any film version would almost certainly start collapsing multiple books into a movie; there's just too many books), and if it was on something like HBO, then really the violence, sex, and violent sex could be worked around, especially considering some of the over-the-top shit you see in True Blood and Game of Thrones. The Sranc are often mentioned as a big issue, but I think that could be dodged with some good exposition and powerful (but subtle) imagery. Clearly it would be a challenge in certain cases, but not the main impediment in my mind.

The only major drawback for the TV show route is the budget, which would be substantial considering the sheer scale of the thing. I mean look at how expensive GoT is, and that story, relatively speaking, is a lot more grounded in reality. TSA is loaded with crazy depictions of magic, several types of inhuman creatures, ridiculously huge war scenes, etc., not to mention basically every other cost that goes along with this type of fantasy (costumes, sets, make-up, etc.). That being said, CGI and special effects in general become cheaper as time goes on. Something on the scale of GoT (especially season two and three) ten years ago would be virtually unthinkable. So, maybe ten or fifteen years from now, I could see TSA being feasible for a cable network like HBO -- and honestly, where else would something like this be made? The bigger problem in that case (and probably the biggest problem overall) is that TSA is not the most popular series. I mean it's obviously on the upper scale of fantasy lit., but it's still a pretty tough sell to a casual audience. That being said, I do think the series will gain popularity in the future. It just smacks as one of those works that will take time for people at large to fully appreciate the strengths of.

ETA: Although, as others have mentioned, perhaps the best road to take is animation. Almost every issue is solved, really, and with the right style and talent, it could be damn amazing. Unfortunately the West is a bit slower than the East in realizing that animation doesn't have to be exclusively relegated to the realm of children's cartoons or comedy.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2013, 04:18:39 am by Francis Buck »


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« Reply #102 on: September 02, 2013, 03:26:46 am »
Yeah so much of the books take place in the character's minds that so much would be lost. In reality there is just too much information to cram into a movie, even if you did 1 movie per book.

Ok so the plan should be to get Bakker to convert his stuff into a graphic novel (or manga, i'm not entirely sure what the difference is), send it to Japan, wait around for a few years, and then work on having funimation (or some other company) produce it. After all, anime fans are used to series with 500+ episodes.
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« Reply #103 on: September 02, 2013, 03:37:45 am »
You guys should check out the new Berserk movies. Low-fantasy medieval setting plagued by horrific (and I mean really unsettling, gruesome-looking fuckers) demon lords and their apostles. I wasn't too crazy about a PoN anime at first but what they're doing with Berserk makes me optimistic for what a real, balls-to-the-wall anime adaptation would look like.

However, an animated adaptation would take a lot away from the physical reality of the show, if that makes sense. I always rave about the Bakker's sense of history and authenticity, which is what makes rape aliens slightly more grounded in the story, and all the more disturbing for it. This is an intimately physical universe. Random camp scenes feel so inhabited because Bakker fills them with dozens of little vignettes, of lives that barely intersect with the path of our protagonists. The world feels lived-in, like a man could grow up in Galeoth and never spend more than a minute his whole life wondering about the Consult, or the Nonmen, see a sorceror, or even read the Sagas. There's a, for the lack of a better term, a heft to his worldbuilding that I really admire and is the hallmark of a well-realized artistic vision, which is really all you can ask for.


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« Reply #104 on: September 02, 2013, 02:04:56 pm »
This is an intimately physical universe. Random camp scenes feel so inhabited because Bakker fills them with dozens of little vignettes, of lives that barely intersect with the path of our protagonists. The world feels lived-in, like a man could grow up in Galeoth and never spend more than a minute his whole life wondering about the Consult, or the Nonmen, see a sorceror, or even read the Sagas. There's a, for the lack of a better term, a heft to his worldbuilding that I really admire and is the hallmark of a well-realized artistic vision, which is really all you can ask for.



You've offered plenty of ways to overcome the difficulties of a movie series (Harry Potter was eight movies, LOTR could've easily been eight movies of content).

Also, in this thread even, I've offered Brad Pitt as Kellhus as he has intensive facial training (though obviously, this could be adapted to any actor willing to practice).

You know though, maybe those who act would really enjoy pushing these roles. After all, we're talking about a series that explicitly makes a theme of emotions being shown through the face.
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