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The Unholy Consult / Re: How big is the Heron Spear?
« Last post by H Wilson on April 13, 2023, 02:37:44 pm »
But why is Sil's shield so big? Are you suggesting that the shield is a relic from the days when the Inchoroi were huge, but the Heron Spear is more recent (or was shrunk down from a previously bigger weapon)?
That still doesn't explain how Aurang was able to wrestle the Tall and win.
News/Announcements / Re: Any news or updates from Bakker?
« Last post by Odium on April 10, 2023, 11:05:59 pm »
I would also like a link, I used to lurk quite a lot back in the day
Literature / Re: Yearly Reading Targets 2023
« Last post by The P on April 10, 2023, 01:16:56 pm »
Into the Narrowdark by Tad Williams (8 )
The Queen of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner (9)

Narrowdark is great, only hurt by the typical Williams style of it being essentially part one of the third book of a trilogy.  There is a lot of build up and a little bit of payoff, but plenty left hanging for the final book.  I was a bit unhappy, we get teased quite a bit about what the big bads are actually trying to do (Williams plays coy with mcguffin-like plots again), and it's clear what they are after by the end, but not why.  And the why is essentially left at "hey, I'm going to tell you, but the book is over now... next time."  It left a slightly frustrated taste.  While I'd still not call it necessary, the Brothers of the Wind ancillary book helped one of the threads to hit harder than it would have otherwise.  This series is a worthy successor to MS&T, if you liked that.  This series gets away from the basic hero's journey of MS&T and is much broader in the disparate threads he keeps going.

The Queen is likewise very good.  Sequel to the Thief, of course, and is again a shorter book that seems to be marketed as YA.  Even more so than its predecessor, this has subtlety and character work that is rarely found in other books called "YA."  Turner has a fairly unique style, which stands out more in this book.  There are big things happening, but she'll take a short paragraph to update on the status of a war or something, but the bulk of the story is her characters talking about and around the action.
The Unholy Consult / Re: How big is the Heron Spear?
« Last post by Madness on April 06, 2023, 10:07:29 pm »
I believe that Bakker mentioned in a written interview with Pat's Fantasy Hotlist that the Grafts (trying to modify the Inchoroi for Earwa), "sapped them of their frame" (badly paraphrasing).
News/Announcements / Re: Any news or updates from Bakker?
« Last post by Srancy on April 06, 2023, 01:05:47 am »

Hello there - would you mind sending a discord link too? Haven't been on here a while.
The Unholy Consult / How big is the Heron Spear?
« Last post by H Wilson on April 05, 2023, 02:11:51 pm »
Before Arkfall the Inchoroi seemed to be a lot larger than they are now: Sil's shield is the size of a small boat and he wore dead bodies as armour, and we know Aurang used to be a lot bigger -- he is capable of wrestling the Tall, and he explicitly states that he used to be monumentally tall before all the grafts somehow made him man-sized (or 1.5 man sized).

So it stands to reason that the Heron Spear was likewise gigantic, yet it seems to be something a lone man, Anaxophus, can wield. Moreover its sister spear is used by both a nameless Nonman and by Kellhus.
Does this mean that the Heron Spear is actually a lot larger than one would guess, or was it always man-sized something like a laser pointer in Sil's hand, something that fit in his palm?

I don't think anything in the text contradicts the idea that it is a lot larger than we assume: it was stolen by Seswatha and Nau-Cayûti together -- perhaps this is the reason Seswatha needed Nau-Cayûti to come with him -- and was transported in Anaxophus' chariot, so it could actually be ~20 ft long.
Then again there is nothing to contradict the idea of the spear being like a laser pointer, other than the fact that it is a silly image.
News/Announcements / Re: Second Apocalypse Discord Server [Yes, we have one!]
« Last post by Wilshire on March 16, 2023, 12:00:13 pm »
Yes! I sent you a link. Let me know if you still need access (the link expires eventually).
Literature / Re: Yearly Reading Targets 2023
« Last post by The P on March 08, 2023, 01:41:44 pm »
The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner (6)
The Loney by Andrew Michael Hurley (7)

The Thief is probably YA, but doesn't have the typical feel of a YA.  It is mostly character work while a group is traveling to the thiefing target.  I liked it.  There seems to be more going on under the surface of the pretty basic plot, so I'll be at least reading the next one in the series of five.

The Loney.  A friend wanted to start up a monthly-ish book club, and this was one of his suggestions.  It's ok.  It's billed as a horror novel, complete with a Stephen King cover blurb and some awards.  I'm not sure why.  It has some creepy vibes like, "here's a strange local," or "why did the church get vandalized," or "we found a dead animal in the field."  But it all builds to absolutely nothing.  There is no payoff for any of it.  That said, the writing is good, especially the characterization.  So I guess King liked it because it also flubs the ending?
Can I join the Discord?? I am the current "administrator" of the Second Apocalypse wiki on fandom...
Literature / Re: Yearly Reading Targets 2023
« Last post by Wilshire on February 27, 2023, 02:18:45 pm »
I think I am starting the year off with rereading Acts of Caine. I'm hoping is pretty interesting on a re-read given how the series ends, and also its been a few years so I forget most of the details. Its something of a blessing for having a shit memory, rereads are more fun!
Heroes Die (1)
This is really a great book. It couches some thought-provoking topics inside over-the-top action, which makes it fun to read both on a surface level and at a bit of a deeper level. It also has a delightful ending that I had largely forgotten about. Sure its a bit contrived, but it all fits together in a very satisfying way. This satisfaction is only enhanced by how the next book starts, almost making me wish the first Caine chapter of book 2 could have been shoved into the end of Book 1 (though I don't think that really works from a publishing or story telling perspective). Its not a masterclass tale of foreshadowing, like TDTCB for example, but its still great to reread (and more interesting on a first read than TDTCB).

Witness for the Dead was good.  Addison must get enjoyment out of using as many unpronounceable proper names as she can.  This elf-goblin society she's made is also very proper and there are titles and forms of address further muddling everything up, but it makes for a very atmospheric read.  It's not terribly long and doesn't have a typical narrative structure.  It is just several weeks in the life of a Witness for the Dead, which is kind of a half priest half detective government position.  The book has very loose ties to Goblin Emperor, and is a quicker read if you just want to taste what Addison offers.

Lora Selezh is just a short story prelude of sorts to Witness.  It gives an outisder perspective to the Witness 1st person narrator, which was interesting.  That character's view of himself seems to be at odds to how others in Witness see him, but we never get outside his pov within that book.  It's a nice little story, and yes, i'm padding my numbers.  These Addison books all have a very wholesome feel to them that is absent from much of modern fantasy.
That's interesting. I like Goblin Emperor but I didnt feel compelled to read the other books, maybe because reading another full book seemed a bit tiresome. Something with an atypical narrative, and/or closer to novella size, sounds like something I might consider for some future day.
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