I long while back, I made a thread on how I could contrive a reason why the Inchoroi would even bother to give the Nonmen immortality and thus deliver what ended up being called
The Womb-Plauge, here.
I really doubt you will want to read all the nonsense I wrote there, so I will sumarize my point here, with a question. I beleive that the Inchoroi realized, after Nin’janjin visited the Ark, that the Nonmen were just as succepatble, just as swayed by the Inverse Fire as they were. So, they changed gears, rather than try to kill them all, they would try to "convert them." So, they, having lost most of the Tekne already, gave them one thing they still did have, which was exactly what they themselves had taken to become immortal. So the Womb-Plauge wasn't a weapon, it was a side-effect, a happy one too. (The whole point of why the women died is a total aside I'll leave for now though.)
So as the immortality given
more as a way to "recruit" the Nonmen and
less a way to attempt to end them as a species?